Question no. 1 – if you had two out of these three nail polishes, would you want the third one also?
You don’t need to hear my answer now do you? Even though I had Catrice After Eight and Aura On The Edge already in my collection I would still (and did) buy Deborah Emerald Bijoux. And in case you’re still doubting – here are nail wheel swatches (not color perfect but you can see the difference). :D
I must have been half asleep as all three of them applied really patchy with first layer, so I used really thick second one. I guess that counts for about 3 layers.
Question no. 2 – if you had to chose only one of these green beauties, which one would it be?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Moj favorit je Deborah – deluje skrivnostno. :love:
sem istega mnenja kot Lindsey R – po steklenički se mi je zdel Emerald Bijoux lepsi, po swatchu pa mi je lepsi od Aure On the edge lepsi :yes:
meni je deborah ipak najinteresantniji :thumb:
Uf, After eight je že doooooolgo na WL. Toda zaradi kronične denarnične razjede se že kak mesec raje izogibam drogerijam. Bomo videli koliko časa mi bo to še uspevalo :whistle:
From the bottles, I’d have chosen Deborah Emerald Bijoux, but from the swatches, I like Aura On the Edge best!
Isn’t it interesting how bottle look can be deceiving? :nails:
Catrice After Eight zagotovo! Kar me spomni na to, da ga moram kupit. O, mimogrede, imaš morda še Essence tealkota? Podoben je After Eight in ga imam, tako da se sprašujem, če je treba kupit še After Eight …
Hm – ne vem katerega misliš. In Style mogoče?
Ja, točno ta! Oprosti za trapast in pomankljiv opis prej. :blush:
Bom dodala na oval in pofotkala. :yes:
Moram dobiti tale Deborah mini. :wub:
Meni je lušten – čeprav je dokaj prosojen. :wub:
Imam i Deborah i Aura, oba su mi lepa na svoj nacin a definitivno nisu isti; plus naravno zelim taj Catrice iako se kod nas ne mogu nabaviti,
Nadam se, da će vam Essence distributer brzo ponuditi i Catrice … mislim da bi se vam brand stvarno svidio. :cool:
Jaz sam tud za Aura On The Edge! Prelep je! Catrice tudi ni slab!
Res je lušten. :love:
hm hm, teeežka izbira, saj so mi take barve najbolj všeč. Mogoče Aura on the edge? No vseeno danes če grem v muller bo after eight moj.hihi :D
Definitivno Aura On The Edge. Res je lep.
A, ha. :wub: :wub:
They look similar but they’re not at all!
Aura on the edge :wub:
V živo je sicer temnejši in bolj zelenkast, ampak res :love: .
Woot! The Aura one looks great! I have the other two ones but as I’ve told you I wasn’t really satisfied by the Deborah one. Is Aura a Slovenian brand? I have never seen it over here.
It’s pretty sheer, but the color is nice. :yes:
Nope – it’s Serbian brand. As far as I know it’s only sold in Serbia and BIH. :think:
Jaz bi se za Aura on the edge odločla :) so pa vsi lepotci :D
Ane, da so! :nails:
Deborah je meni osebno najlepši :))
Zagotovo je najbolj poseben/zanimiv. :yes: