I feel like it was just yesterday I was going through Essence Crazy Good Times preview photos and could not believe it when Maestra called to tell me that we already have this TE in Ljubljana.
She was a doll and got me all 6 nail polishes.
Colors I like – pretty much all of them … yes – even lime green. Formula on the other hand is not the greatest. Some of them apply like molten chewing gum. Blue one had to be almost stippled onto the nails. I’m guessing they needed more jelly like formula to suspend all that glitter, but I think they went little bit overboard.
You can see nail wheel swatches and glitter close up in Essence Crazy Good Times trend edition video.
Colourbration I was hesitating about. Should I get it? On one hand it didn’t really look like my color (and swatches are still sparse for this TE) but on the other hand I need colors like this in my collection. And I must admit that this color works for me. Tiny yellowish/greenish/orangy flakies make this shade alive and more wearable. I used two thicker coat because of the rubbery formula and no top coat – that is why surface looks rough.
Candyction I was most looking forward of. It’s filled with flakies – do I need to say anything more? Unfortunately flakies are not that visible as they are too close color-wise to base color. Formula is better than the Colourbration one, but still not something I could say that is easy to work with. IRL color is more orange-y with slight peachy undertone.
Princessorize is something for pink nail polish lovers. It’s complex pink shade with blue flashes + almost reddish pink shimmer. This one was not that hard to apply, but it does leave VNL after 2 coats.
Now, if Essence put flakies in Confetteria instead of hexagonal glitter, I would adore this shade. Lovely dark blues base with starry glitter as backdrop and lighter blue hexagons to spice things up. As I already said, this one was hardest to apply. I literally had to tap the polish onto the nails as I would had to use huge amount of polish otherwise just to apply one coat. Second coat went on easier. And it has really weird smell to boot.
Glitterastic glittery bomb was very pleasant surprise. Silver hexagons blend perfectly into mini silver glitter base to achieve one very sparkly nail polish. Nail line is visible pretty much only on photos as all that sparkle masks it IRL. 2 coats + top coat.
As Glitterastic was the most sheer (and easy to apply) polish from Essence Crazy Good Times TE, I used it as layering polish over Paradelade.
Paradelade is nice black nail polish with loads of primarily silver glitter, but nothing I would be really impressed with. And the formula was jelly-sticky. 2 coats + top coat.
Realisticaly speaking, I’ll probably reach the most for Glitterastic and Candyction, but I think Colourbration will come out to play too in spring/summer.
Price: 1,89 EUR (2.5 USD) for 8ml (0.27 fl.oz.)
Which one is your favorite? How do you find Essence Crazy Good Times formula?
Here is what Maestra has to say about fals eyelashes:
I still haven’t tried out these eyelashes, but I have a feeling that they are not that comfortable. The seam looks pretty thick and not very bendable. It’s obvious that these are plastic eyelashes (shine gives them away). They are long and colorful and as such suitable for the bold users or special occasions. I bought them because they com in pretty colors and the price was affordable.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Hmm, zakaj imam občutek, kot da sem tole že komentirala? Možno, da je bilo preko FBja. :undecided: Sem se znašla pred polnim stojalom, pa me noben ni prepričal toliko, da bi ga vzela. Je pa res, da zadnje čase tele LE kar dežujejo, morda sem se jih nasitila. Ampak swatchi so pa super!
I want some polishes from this collection (esp the lime one) but I’m scrared I won’t find it because some people already found it but not me… even if it’s supposed to be on stale in Feb.
We won’t even be getting it into any other drugstores than Muller … and there are only 3 in Ljubljana. :sigh:
Sigh…I guess they’re never coming here…if only I had knew before…I didn’t find any info on website!
I love how Glitterasti and Confetteria look!!!*__*
Maybe you’ll get it. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. :yes:
lakići mi izgledaju upravo božanstveno :happy: :stars: :thumb:
Je si li već bila u akciji? :silly:
Candyction i Glitterastic mi izgledaju najbolje, mada mislim da ću kupnju ovaj put preskočiti. Meni lakiranje i sa jednostavnijim lakovima ne ide najbolje ;:)
Glitterastic nije problematičan … ako ostavimo po strani, da treba 3 sloja za prefektno prekrivanje. :nails:
plavi mi izgleda divno, ali ne zvuci toliko primamljivo kad citam o groznoj aplikaciji :ermm:
Mnja – ja sam se nadala, da je bio samo moj takav … ali izgleda da nije. :sigh:
These all look amazing!! I don’t know about the lime green though, lol.
It’s actually really nice …. who would have thought. :silly:
Oh my… Now I want this collection so so bad!!!! I love Colourbration and Candytion :)
I see you’re also already in “spring colors” mood. :biggrin:
Modrega bi :wub:
Upam, da ga dobiš.
Krasni swatchi Gejba. :wub: Vse je bilo lepo in prav, dokler nisem prebrala, da bodo na voljo le v Müllerju – pa tako sm se veselila rozike in modrega lakca. :shock: Verjetno jutri sploh ne rabim capljati do Müllerja, ker bom našla le prazna stojala. :cry:
Si našla želene odtenke?
Nee, kot sem napovedala, popolnoma prazno stojalo – no par trepalnic je še ostalo. :shock:
Včeraj, ko mi je prodajalka v Kopru rekla da poleg Legends of the sky(yay, sem našla šminki), je tudi ena druga nova kolekcija, sem takoj pomislila na Crystalliced. pa sem bila totalno presenečena ko sem vidla, da je to Crazy Good Times :) Po tem kar sem videla na spletu sem nameravala kupit 2 laka, v živo so pa mi bili všeč in sem si kar kupla 4 :whistle: nisem kupila črnega in rumenega, zdej pa mi je žal, da sem črnega pustila v trgovini (rumena ni zame). luškana kolekcija, ni kej :)
Madona – ti si imela pa res srečo z zadnjimi LE. :thumb:
Je zanimiva tale kolekcija, ampak mi ni nič pretirano všeč. Glede modrega se strinjam s tabo, da bi bile krpice mnogo lepše kot šestkotniki :yes:
Tale kolekcija bo zame ‘pass’ in čakak na kakšno bolj po mojem okusu
Moramo itak šparat za prenovo, ane? :silly:
Še dobro, da sem se “zakadila” v Mullerja, sem mislila, da še dobijo v DM-e. :) Moja najljubša sta moder in siv, ampak moder je res porazen za nanos. Ostali še so nekako (še vedno so manj težavni kot pa kak rumen lak :biggrin: ), za modrega pa rabiš potrpljenje. :biggrin:
Jaz sem po prvih dveh potezah obupala in ga kar lepo začela tapkati gor. :biggrin:
They do look realy nice, but I’m not impresed. Is there something wrong with me? :think:
Depends – how hight is your temperature? :biggrin:
I think my favorite is Confetteria ♥ ^^ Wow!! false eyelashes are very cool *3* ~ It would be a pity that they were not comfortable or were well because they are really very nice >_<
Kisses :)
Confetteria is kind of wet dream for blue color and glitter finish lovers. :silly:
wow, Colourbration is the craziest colour!!! :w00t: I thought flakies would be more visible in Candyction, what a pity! Confetteria looks really cool, so does the Paradelade + Glitterastic combo :thumb: !
Flakies were slightly disappointing, but still pretty. :nails:
i really love the polishes! i’m hoping this LE will come to the netherlands as well :)
Keeping my fingers crossed. :yes:
these are awesome <3
Hello my Dear :) Recently I feel like no matter what I’m planning to get from Essence limited editions, I will end up not getting it beacause it’s sold out. So I calm myself down and just admire photos and swatches on blogs. Some things are great some are just good and some are just not me. But what can I do when I walk into the shop and the stand is empty. I was dissapointed at first but now I think I just don’t care ;)
Hugs and kisses!
I wish I was as your state of mind. I’m still sad when I don’t get something I really wanted. :silly:
Samo v Mullerjih?? Nee=/ Pa bo spet lov! Prekrasni so, sploh Colourbration je lep <3 Res upam, da ga dobim!
Jope – DMi nas tokrat ne bodo razveseljevali. :sigh:
omg i’m in love with this LE!
too bad i still have to wait a few weeks till this one is in the netherlands as well!
Hope you get it as soon as possible. :nails:
Confetteria is my favourite :)
have you already seen Marble Mania trend edition?
I’ve seen group photos, but the only thing that looks good to me is blush. :cute:
The polishes look great! I have to have some of these lashes! The last one looks so gergeous!
I need them for upcoming carnival. :biggrin:
I love every color!!
the false lashes are so beautiful!!
Too bad they don’t apply as good as they look. :sigh: