Preview: Catrice assortment change spring 2012

Whenever Catrice and Essence announce assortment change I completely loose my head. Where to start, what to buy, I want, I want, I want … :D

This is picture heavy post. If you’re more “click and go” kind of person, I recommend you see Catrice assortment change 2012 video instead … video does have more detailed photos as I could incorporate them easier in video than in post, but does not include list of “retiring” products.

21 new polishes just from Catrice?!? My wallet is already crying. If their new brush turns out to be good, I’ll have huge problems deciding which ones to get. I did start making WL, but as majority of the products ended up on it … I kind of gave up. :D

Lots of new spring – summer shades is coming. Yellow, orange and just look at the green beauty.

Catrice assortment change spring 2012 nail polish: 700, 690, 740
Catrice assortment change spring 2012 nail polish: 700, 690, 740
Lime green, pale orange and hot pink.

Catrice assortment change spring 2012 nail polish: 810, 820, 850
Catrice assortment change spring 2012 nail polish: 810, 820, 850
Two more reserved shades and another hot pink.

Catrice assortment change spring 2012 nail polish: 830, 780, 790
Catrice assortment change spring 2012 nail polish: 830, 780, 790
Dirty Berry is still mystery – it’s already part of the regular line, so what changed?

Catrice assortment change spring 2012 nail polish: 420, 770, 800
Catrice assortment change spring 2012 nail polish: 420, 770, 800
Possible Chanel Peridot dupe?

Catrice assortment change spring 2012 nail polish: 840, 670, 680
Catrice assortment change spring 2012 nail polish: 840, 670, 680
Not sure I’m still in “brown” stage, but will check out the maroonish nail polish.

Catrice assortment change spring 2012 nail polish: 710, 860, 720
Catrice assortment change spring 2012 nail polish: 710, 860, 720
Nude series is getting three new shades. I might even like these.

Catrice assortment change spring 2012 nail polish: 070, 080, 090
Catrice assortment change spring 2012 nail polish: 070, 080, 090

And I’m loving lots of new eyeshadows too.

6 marbled (baked?) eyeshadow combinations. Will see if these are as good as they’re pretty.

Catrice assortment change spring 2012 Intensif'eye Shadow

Green beauties … and the last one looks matte.

Catrice assortment change spring 2012 Mono 45, 49, 50, 51

Browns I like, other two we’ll see about.

Catrice assortment change spring 2012 Mono 47, 46, 48, 52

Rumble In The Jungle looks identical as namesake released in Papagena LE.

Catrice assortment change spring 2012 Quattro Eyeshadows

Eyeliner pens look nice and I’m curious about highlighter pen. And on top of that, four new mascaras will be available.

Catrice assortment change spring 2012 Smokey eyes set, Eyeliner pens, HL pen
Catrice assortment change spring 2012 mascaras
Catrice assortment change spring 2012 mascaras

Lipsticks and lipglosses. Maybe – I wasn’t impressed with the ones I bought, but you never know … I might get one or two to try them out.

Catrice assortment change spring 2012 lipsticks: Ultimate Colour
Catrice assortment change spring 2012 lipsticks: Ultimate Colour
Catrice assortment change spring 2012 lipsticks: Ultimate Shine
Catrice assortment change spring 2012 lipsticks: Ultimate Shine
Catrice assortment change spring 2012 lipglosses
Catrice assortment change spring 2012 lipglosses

And for the end – trio that looks really promising: translucent powder, blush and smokey eyes brush.

Catrice assortment change spring 2012: smokey eyes brush, loose powder, blush

Lots of new products means that Catrice is retiring some of the current ones. Here are the list of the items that will disappear from Catrice stands:

Catrice to be discontinued nail polishes
Catrice to be discontinued nail polishes
Catrice to be discontinued eyes
Catrice to be discontinued eyes
Catrice to be discontinued lips, face
Catrice to be discontinued lips, face

We’ll be getting new assortment after the 10th of February 2012. And I can hardly wait!

Tell me – which of the new products do you like the most? Which of the old ones will you stock up on?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

31 thoughts on “Preview: Catrice assortment change spring 2012”

  1. v koperskem mullerju sem že pobrala vse kar bi pogresala iz kolekcije, ki gre v pokoj- čopiči, eyelinerji in en lakec :thumb: iz nove kolekcije pa komaj cakam blush, ki bo sicer del LE, so mi pa vsec tudi “ta umirjeni lakci” :nails: upam, da se bom zmogla upret zelenkastemu smoky eye setu, ker imam doma ze “prevec” senck za oci :nervous:

  2. Cijela kolekcija djeluje obećavajuće. Ovo rumenilo me jako zanima, kao i sjenila. Sa njihovim ruževima sam jako zadovoljna i mislim da su za tu cijenu više nego kvaliteteni. E sad , oko ukusa ne treba raspravljati, tako da nijanse neću komentirati, ali kvaliteta je na visokoj razini.

  3. I’m really liking these new polishes! definatly buying some.
    I think i want that new duo blush as well, as long as it isn’t too shimmery

  4. Moram priznat, da pogrešala ne bom prav ničesar kar se tiče starih stvari :whistle: Se pa zelo veselim novih, še posebej lakov :yes:

  5. Prvi trije novi so mi zelo všeč, pa seveda ta vojaško zeleni, brez rambota, ker ga že imam. Ah, pa senčke … joj, tile novi sortimenti me zmeraj ubijejo.

    • Ja imam praktički sve koje sam željela, tako da neću praktički ništa kupovati. Ali je super prilika, da nabaviš sve što još imaš na WL. :angel:

  6. Mimogrede, tudi v Mullerju v BTCju imajo že znižane stvari :) Tako da potrebe po BW zaenkrat ne vidim :P
    So mi pa všeč novi laki… :w00t: :wub:

  7. Wow, nisem vedela da se tole menja dvakrat na leto :sorry: (nova uporabnica)
    Sem pa na nekaterih drugih blogih zasledila, da bodo reciklirali tri ‘stare’ odtenke, Dirrty Berry (katerega si že sama omenila), enega zelenega (mogoče Sold out for ever-nisem ljubiteljica, zato si tudi nisem natančno zapomnila ;)) in še London’s Weather Forecast!!!!!!! Tole je pa odtenek, ki je pisan na mojo kožo in sem ga že miljionkrat poguglala in mi je noro lep, tako da upam da pride :wub:
    A so moje info. prave ali imaš ti bolj sveže?

    • Dirty Berry je že sedaj na policah, tako da res nimam pojma zakaj je na seznamu. Edino, če ne bodo spremenili formulo. Ostala dva mi pa nista podobna nobenemu izmed “novih” odtenkov. Mogoče so kaj naknadno dodali in teh info ni v uradnem materialu. :think:

      • Na blogu ooohshinies so slikice (objavljeno 12.1.2012 – tako da je možno, da so kaj spremenili) in na slikici med ‘novimi’ se še najde Hip Queens wear Blue Jeans.
        Kakorkoli že, ko bo tole na polici bomo zagotovo vedele :yes:

  8. Aaaaaah! Novi odtenki lakov so božanski :wub: .
    Zadnje čase sem nora na sive nianse zato mislim da bodo šli 840, 670, 680 kar vsi z mano domov, na lepše :wink: .
    Blues brother vol.II se poslavlja? Torej mora tudi on z mano – do sedaj sem se nakupu vedno uspela upreti, saj je v moji zbirki skoraj polovica lakov temno modrih. :blush:
    Kakorkoli, spomladanska ponudba bo hud udarec za mojo denarnico :shock:


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