We were nominated by Moonchild for The Versatile blogger award. I rarely write this kind of posts. Mainly because I don’t have enough time for everything that I would like to do and I prefer writing posts about cosmetics. So the tag posts stay unwritten most of the time. But today I’m feeling adventurous and I thought it would be fun to write a tag post from time to time.
Thank you, Moonchild for the award!
The rules:
Thank the person who nominated you, state 7 interesting facts about yourself, and nominate 15 of your favorite bloggers. :)
7 facts about myself:
- I love drinking tea. I drink all kinds of tea. My least favourite is black tea though.
- I like watching TV Series. Right now I’m watching White Collar.
- I like going to the cinema. Last movie I watched was the Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows.
- I love animals. I have a cat and three aquariums with fishes. My parents have ducks, hens … I love them all! I could spend hours just watching and photographing animals.
- I used to be a cheerleader in high school.
- I would love to learn how to draw (well). Not so long ago I bought a bunch of colored pencils … well see.
- The obvious things: nail polish, make up, photography … My sweetheart said that these are the things that define me, that’s why they just have to be on this list.
I wish there was more written what this award is all about, so it would be a bit easier to nominate other bloggers. Well, I nominated the ones I like to read and the ones I think are versatile.
My nominees for the versatile blogger award:
- Nail Crazy
- femketje
- Lendoxia
- Maybe
- Nicole
- Shaina
- Akuma Kanji
- Lalica
- Natalie
- Biba
- Ivana
- Sana
- Swatchfreak
- KrvavaMeri
- Mancina
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Awww, thanks so much for the award doll! I love going to the cinema and watching TV series too!
:blush: hvala za tag :love: samo se sad moram sjetit napisat post o ovome :silly:
ajme, i mene si stavila na listu :happy:
hvala ti puuuuuuuno :love:
Wow! Very nice and interesting facts about you ^__^ I’m very happy to know you a little better now :) Thank you so much for passing me this award too, I’ll be blogging about it soon ;) *** :thumb:
I’m glad that you find my facts interesting. :happy: I can’t wait to read your post on this. :happy:
Oh Maestra, tole je bilo pa prav prijetno presenečenje. Najlepša hvala za tag. :party:
Upam, da prijetno presenečenje. :biggrin: Z veseljem sem te tagala. :yes:
Thanks so much for the nomination, it came as a total surprise! :rose: I’ll do a post on this asap!
I’m looking forward to reading your post. :yes:
hvala draga, na nominaciji:-)
Z veseljem sem jo podarila. :yes:
love reading these kinds of tags!
thank you for tagging me :)
You are welcome. :happy:
O fino. :) Te nagradice so mi pri srcu, ker malce bolj spoznaš blogerko za blogom. :) Mimogrede, sem videla zdajle gor reklamico za Mon Jasmin Noir. Tega si si takrat kupila, kajne? Sem potem nekaj dni kasneje po naključju s kolegico šla v Mullerja parfume izbirat in je res petstokrat boljši od Jasmin Noir, čudovit vonj je. Jaz pa še kar obsesivno hočem The Beat. :D :love:
Te nagradice so res simpatične. Mi je pa vedno težko napisati kar nekaj o sebi … Za zgornji post sem porabila zagotovo več časa, kot za kakšen review post. :biggrin:
MJN parfum je dejansko mnogo boljši od JN, ki je precej težek vonj. MJN je zelo prijeten, a kljub temu ne popolnoma lahek parfum. Na meni se prijetno razvije in je dolgo obstojen. Steklenička je pa prava lepotička. :wub:
Ob priliki bom povonjala ta “tvoj” The Beat. Jaz imam od Burberry Body parfum in sem čisto nora nanj. :wub:
Ni za kaj! :rose: In tudi jaz bi se rada naučila lepo risati. :sigh:
Menda se risati da naučiti, samo volja je potrebna. :think:
thanks a lot for tagging me with this award! :D
i’ll try to do it as soon as i get some time off :D
Maestra, najlepša hvala za omembo in kompliment. :rose: It made my day. (Žal sem popolnoma zasedena s faksom, da ne morem napisati niti konkretnega posta, da odgovorim na “nominacijo”.)
Ve, punce, si pa res zaslužite to nagrado. :wink:
Z veseljem. Super blog pišeš in je vsekakor omembe vreden! :yes:
It seems we have a lot in common (five out of 7) :)
I love tea!!! I can’t live without it. I drink about five cups of green tea every day plus Pu-erh and some black tea. But tea is said to be healthy, packed with antioxidants so I’m not worried about my tea addiction :)
Really?!? Five out of seven? We really have a lot in common! :happy:
Yes, tee is green supposed to be packed with antioxidants. :thumb: I don’t drink as much tee as you do. I’d say I drink three cups of tee everyday. To start my day I drink a cup of coffee, which I also like very much.
White Collar :wub: tudi če bi postalo zelo dolgočasno bi še vedno gledala, da si spočijem oči :blush:
Upam, da kaj narišeš in objaviš. Meni je to zelo zanimivo za gledat :thumb:
Aham, White Collar in Neal Caffrey :wub: Za očke spočit je res fajn. K sreči je serija tudi zanimiva. :thumb:
Bomo videli, kako se risanje razvije … če mi bo šlo, bom pa tudi kaj objavila. Resnično nimam talenta za risanje, a menda se da veliko naučiti (če je le dovolj volje).
Čestitam za nagrado! Upam, da čimprej kaj narišeš :wink:
Pa hvala za nominacijo!
Hvala! Počasi se učim risati, žal je kot vedno čas ovira. A če bo volja, bom tudi čas našla. Upam samo, da se me volja drži in da me bo roka ubogala. Risala namreč nikoli nisem lepo.