Alessandro is coming out with their third generation of crackles. First there were Royal Crash and Wild Crash followed by Croco Glam. The third version in called Metallic Crash.

Metallic Crash crackles are similar to first generation with one exception – crackles have shimmery/metallic and not creme finish. Again they’re releasing crackles in set with base coat and top coat. We’ll be able to choose between 4 color combinations: Clubbing Reflection, Blue Marine, Red Tango and Sexy Pink.

Price for set of minis is 14,95 EUR (19 USD).
While I grew to love base part of the sets (they’re usually one coaters, dry fast and have good staying power), I find top coats totally redundant. On the other hand they are bringing out regular crackle stand with assortment of crash and croco crackles. I would love it even more if they were releasing mini versions so I could buy all of the shades that are still missing in my collection. :D I was especially glad to see Croco Coat Bordeaux in regular line.

Price: 11,95 EUR (15 USD) for 10ml bottle.
As you probably know our third anniversary is coming up. Our WordPress newsletter already saw few goodies that will be part of the giveaway/challenge we are preparing. Today we have second hint for you – all the Alessandro crackle generations will be part of the prize.
*photos used in collages are courtesy of Alessandro
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Po vsej verjetnosti si bom privoščila srebrn set (mi je všeč da ima ta serija metalic finish). Pa ker nimam še noben croco si bom tudi iz te serije kakšnega izbrala.
Na giveaway-e se pa jaz ne prijavljam ker se bojim da ne bom kaj zadela :)))) – ob vsej kozmetiki ki jo premorem imam z vsakim novim kosom težave kam ga pospravit.
Jaz imam samo en crackle in še ta je kovinski s šimrom in je super če si kdaj uničim manikuro, potem samo nanesem eno plast čez in sem pripravljena na nove avanture :wink:
Nekako mi je srebrn najbolj všeč, ampak ga že imam v tem odtenku :yes:
Meni pa je še vedno crack eden najljubših lakov… in teli kovinski..TOP!
Super ker so v setu miniji.
Za velike bazne crack lake…je bil že čas, da jih uvrstijo v redno linijo…je pa super izbira!!! :w00t: :w00t:
Mene pa so ti laki že malo minili… Še vedno jih nosim (kar jih imam) ampak novih pa ne bom več kupovala – razen če ne bo kakšen poseben (holo crackle? :wub: )
Nevem zakaj jih prodajajo v duetih, jaz bi veliko rajši kupovala posamične. In minije. :yes: Mi pa Red tamgo izgleda super! :wub: