New on Parokeets blog

Short overview of couple of new additions on Parokeets blog.

First change in the most obvious one – new background color. No more grayish background – the spring is almost here!

Second one are Google ads. In the next few months we’ll be testing different layouts and their general appearance. If ads manage to cover at least our shipping costs, we’ll keep them.
You can currently see them in sidebar, above the comments and one in between excerpts on a home page.

Parokeets ads home

Parokeets ads comments

Last thing is Hellocotton widget at the bottom of the sidebar. I already mentioned this RSS service in GFC is gone – now what post. I’ve been testing it for a month now and I can say that I find it easy to use and “clean” looking … and it’s not crashing all the time like GFC. :D CLOSED on the 11th of April 2013.

Parokeets Hellocotton widget

New newsletter is also in draft stage, so expect one in the next few days.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

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