Review and swatches: Alessandro Track Me LE

I was really hoping I would have time to go to the store and take a look at the whole Alessandro Track Me limited edition once again to see if there are any other interesting shades available. But as it looks like I won’t be going anywhere near the Track Me stand for few more days, so I guess I better just publish the nail polish swatches that I have.

Alessandro Track Me
Alessandro Track Me

The star of Track Me LE is without the doubt Clubbing Reflection nail polish. Now this green-copperish duochrome with silver glitter is so unique and interesting that I just had to love it. I used 3 coats for the swatch because duochrome effect is more and more visible with each additional coat. But nothing beats the application over the black base as you can see in Alessandro Track Me video.

Alessandro Track Me - Clubbing Reflection
Alessandro Track Me – Clubbing Reflection (swatch)

Alessandro Blue Marine is another interesting shade. It had purplish gray base and lots of bluish shimmer. You can see purple flashes in the polish, but since shimmer is really fine I can not tell if purple tones come from very slight duochrome effect or they added little bit of purple shimmer. This shade also looks better applied over darker base. Brush strokes are slightly visible. I used 3 coats + top coat.

Alessandro Track Me - Blue Marine
Alessandro Track Me – Blue Marine (swatch)

Alessandro Grey Shatter is light gray shade with lots of tiny multicolored shimmer. I liked the formula a lot – smooth and nice to apply. 2 coats + top coat.

Alessandro Track Me - Grey Shatter
Alessandro Track Me – Grey Shatter (swatch)

Alessandro Red Tango is pretty but I would say more pink with lots of red than red shade. Red Tango has even better formula than Grey Shatter – if you’re skilled with a brush you can get away with one coat. 2 coats + top coat.

Alessandro Track Me - Red Tango
Alessandro Track Me – Red Tango (swatch)

First chance I get, I’ll check rest of the available shades in Alessandro Track Me limited edition. I caught something shiny on the stand and I’m curious to see how pretty is that polish at closer inspection. :D

Price: 4,95 EUR (6.5 USD) for 5ml (0,18 fl.oz.) nail polish.

For the end – YT video with nail wheel swatches and my ramblings.

* I received all shades except Clubbing Reflection for review from Alessandro Slovenija

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

36 thoughts on “Review and swatches: Alessandro Track Me LE”

  1. Clubbing je res poseben sicer malce spominja na Chanelov Peridot ampak je še vedno poseben, ampak siv je pa najlepši :wink:

  2. Sem ravno gledala 2 dni nazaj tole kolekcijo in me ni najbolj pritegnila, niti Clubbing Reflection, čeprav sem ga hotela, ko sem videla promocijske fotografije, je pa res, da preko črne podlage izgleda super in da se ga verjetno splača že zato vzet.
    Grey Shatter izgleda na tvojih nohtih tako lepo. :yes:

  3. i have never seen these polishes wher ei live (well i have seen the brand but never the more special colours i guess :P)
    if i ever see Clubbing Reflection i’m definatly buying it! I really love that one <3

  4. Moder me je zamikal že na polički in tudi na fotki je čudovit. Tega si verjetno res privoščim. Seveda bi že kupila zelenega, Clubbing Reflection, če ne bi imela njegovega dvojčka od Mise že doma. :wub: Čudovit lak in igra barv in zelo pohvalno, da je Alessandro dal tako bolj ‘odštekano’ barvo tudi na našepolice. :)

  5. čeprav takšna zelena ni moja barva, in je ne bi kupila, moram priznat, da je zelo zelo lepa :)
    blue marine, pa je že vel podoben mojemu okusu :D
    vseeno ne bom nič kupila, saj šparam, ker nameravam kupiti kakšen opi :)


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