Essence Gold Fever

I’m currently swatching Essence Season Of Extremes trend edition … not all of the polishes, but still – better few then none right?

I needed short break and decided to show you probably the most interesting from the new Essence Colour&Go nail polish shades – Gold Fever.

Essence Gold Fever
Essence Gold Fever

I practically never wear sheer polishes without some kind of opaque base, but for some reason this one appealed to me enough to use 3 layers. And as stars were in perfect alignment aka my skin was in good condition, I have huge swatch of this shade for you. :D

Essence Gold Fever swatch
Essence Gold Fever swatch

As you can imagine application was nothing special, but removing all the glitter definitively called for the foil method.
VNL was still there, but sparkle almost completely covered it up.

Who else thinks Gold Fever is pretty enough to bother with 3 layers?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

17 thoughts on “Essence Gold Fever”

  1. Uf, meni 3 sloji niso nič posebnega, mislim, da sem v zadnjem letu še bolj stroga ratala glede VNL. Včasih si grem s tem na živce, ker izgubljam čas z dodatnimi sloji, ampak potem me pa res živcira … kakorkoli, mislim, da bom dobila zelo podobnega China Glaze, ki ima še malce več bakrenih glitterčkov vmes, tako da mi bo najbrž bolj všeč kot tale. :) Je bil pa po promo fotkah v ožjem izboru. :yes:

    • Meni je pa ravno ta “subtilnost” pri Gold Fever bolj všeč kot drama pri Electrify. Bi pa takoj zamenjala Essence zlato za ChG bronasto. :biggrin:
      Meni se vedno mudi, tako da so 3 plasti preveč zahtevne. :silly:

  2. It’s so pretty!! I need it, although golds don’t look so good on me either :biggrin: :nails:

  3. zlata barva mi ni bila nikoli všeč, tokrat ni izjema XD vendar verjamem da vsaka, ki ima rada to barvo, mora nujno imet ta lakec, ker se mi zdi res lep, kolikor pač se mi lahko zdi XD


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