Jessica – Heavy Petal (bottles)

Promo photos of Jessica Heavy Petal collection showed hints of possibly very interesting shimmer, so I asked our distributors if I could take close up photos of the new shades when the came in … they agreed.

Unfortunately I only have bottle close up photos for you … I didn’t see testers and forgot to ask if they have them so I could apply new shades on nail wheel.

Jessica Heavy Petal group

My absolute favorites from this collection is Jessica Witchy Wisteria. I love the base color and the gorgeous shimmer. I’m definitively buying this one first chance I get.

Jessica Heavy Petal - Witchy Wisteria
Jessica Heavy Petal - Witchy Wisteria

If I’m not mistaken, Jessica Born 2 Pansy is Maestra’s favorite. Pretty pale violet-lilac shade with blueish shimmer.

Jessica Heavy Petal - Born 2 Pansy
Jessica Heavy Petal - Born 2 Pansy

Jessica Rolling Rose is the only other nail polish with interesting shimmer in it. But it’s pale pink, so I’m not really crazy about it.

Jessica Heavy Petal - Rolling Rose
Jessica Heavy Petal - Rolling Rose

Jessica Geranium Gypsy and Hotter Than Hibiscus

Jessica Heavy Petal - Geranium Gypsy
Jessica Heavy Petal - Geranium Gypsy
Jessica Heavy Petal - Hotter Than Hibiscus
Jessica Heavy Petal - Hotter Than Hibiscus

And the last one in the collection – bold pink Dazed Dahlia.

Jessica Heavy Petal - Dazed Dahlia
Jessica Heavy Petal - Dazed Dahlia

This polish ended up on my WL, but it’s not part of Heavy Petal collection. While I was busy taking photos, Maestra took the opportunity to brows through regular shades (and she found few very interesting ones!). She stumbled upon the shade she was pretty sure I would go nuts about – Queen Bee.

Jessica Queen Bee

Jessica has some pretty interesting shades, but lately it’s getting better and better … First Peacock Queen, now couple of interesting shades in Heavy Petal LE, not to mention pure awesomeness of Hologram Chic duo (review coming soon) …

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

13 thoughts on “Jessica – Heavy Petal (bottles)”

  1. Prvi se mi zdi zelo dober nadomestek za Zoyo in OPIja na podoben koncept, pa se zdajle ne bom spomnila imen … mislim da je Zoya Tru, pa nisem prepričana. Drugi mi je zelo zanimiv zaradi shimmerja, komaj čakam swatche! So me pa rahlo razočarali s frosty delom kolekcije. Ampak danes imam Jessico zelo rada, na nohtih je njen Victorian Crush in sem čisto presrečna. :)

    • Victorian Crush je khm, zanimiv. :silly:
      Frosty lake itak vedno preskočim, ker mi praktično nikoli niso privlačni. Ampak Witchy Wisteria … :stars:

  2. Do you know czech brand Gabriella Salvete?
    Is Jessica Born 2 Pansy dupe of 157? :wink:


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