My childhood home

By Mamy

Wherever I’m, wherever I go – the pretties place is still my childhood home.

Few days ago I went dandelion gathering (away from smog and roads) and took my camera with me to make couple of photos. I hope I can bring to your home the pulse of spring in the country. Everything is so peaceful and soothing in the quietness of the nature, among animals and country people.


Color palette is endless.



Pomlad/Spring flowersDomace Zivali

Inseparable sweethearts. Mandarin ducks.

Racke Mandarinke



The village I was born in is beautiful. But problems of the time we live in are staring to disrupt the way of life. Paper mill that gave jobs to lot of local population, closed down. I hope that decision is not permanent.

It’s been a while since I wrote my last post. I hope I’ll manage to write more in the future. Next time, it’s nail polish time.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

10 thoughts on “My childhood home”

  1. Yaay, Mamy! :ahug: Zelo sem vesela tvojih prečudovitih slik rožic in živali, mi zmeraj polepšajo dan (ali v tem primeru predizpitno noč paranja živcev). :yes: Tudi sama obožujem spomlad ravno zaradi rožic, vse okoli mene se prebuja, na PSTju je polno žafranov in trobentic in cele zaplate zvončkov. :love:

  2. So beautiful! I hope you dont mind I “pinned” the pic of the ducks on my Pinterest page. =) So beautiful!

  3. Beautiful! I love this time of year because of the smells and colours. I have two ducks like those ^__^ And what else can I say? I love the place you lived your childhood in :)


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