… one I would be sorry if I missed it.
I had hard time choosing what to buy:
+ I got few skin care products and couple of perfumes.
Choice was really difficult, but with such a discount from the distributer … I shopped till I dropped.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Ooo marička :drop: Tale vaš uvoznik je zlata vreden!
V večini primerov je bil zelo dober nakup. Danes delam swatche, šminke so odlične…da jih nisem vzela več. :cry:
Joj, sem že mislila da ti prodajaš te stvari, sem že iskala denarnico. :haha: Drugeače pa – WOW! :stars:
Nice goodies!! I love a good sale ;0).
wow!! where did you buy all these things? :)
V zadnjem stavku je odgovor, Naima, le klikni ga. :wink:
WAAAAAW :wub: kje,kje?