Maestra was shopping …

Today I’ll show my purchases from the last couple of months. There won’t be a lot of talking in this post, just tons of photos. I hope you don’t mind A LOT of photos of pretty make up stuff.

A couple of months ago I had a coupon, so I bought three L’Oreal Pro Quads. I have to admit that I was really surprised by the quality which is good. ;) I’ve been using the wuads quite a lot since I bought them. My favourite is the one for green eyes. And my least favorite is the one for grey eyes.

Loreal - Quad Pro
Loreal – Quad Pro
Loreal - Quad Pro
Loreal – Quad Pro
Swatch: Loreal - Quad Pro: Grey Eyes
Loreal – Quad Pro: Grey Eyes
Swatch: Loreal - Quad Pro: Green Eyes
Loreal – Quad Pro: Green Eyes
Swatch: Loreal - Quad Pro: Dark Eyes
Loreal – Quad Pro: Dark Eyes

Next is the mixture of things I got in Scotland, Switzerland and some things that a friend brought me from the States.

Maestra's Haul - Scotland, Switzerland, USA
Maestra’s Haul – Scotland, Switzerland, USA

From the States a friend brought me Laura Mercier Eyes and Cheeks palette and a Real Techniques Brush.

Laura Mercier - Eyes and Cheek palette
Laura Mercier – Eyes and Cheek palette

Shopping in Scotland was quite nice …

MAC - Dollymix Sheertone Shimmer Blush
MAC – Dollymix Sheertone Shimmer Blush
MAC - Extra Dimension Eye Shadow: Rich Core
MAC – Extra Dimension Eye Shadow: Rich Core
Maybelline - Color Tattoo: 40 Permanent Taupe
Maybelline – Color Tattoo: 40 Permanent Taupe

And of course chocolate from Switzerland …


Luxemburgerli are the most delicious ever!

Sprungli: Luxemburgerli
Sprungli: Luxemburgerli

And my most recent purchases. Perfumes! There was a huge sale going on (40% – 70% off), so I had to take advantage of it …

Maestra's perfumes (haul)

Maestra's perfumes (haul)

Lancome – Hypnose Eau Legere: a warm, sweet but not overpowering scent.

Lancome - Hypnose Eau Legere (perfume)
Lancome – Hypnose Eau Legere

Marc Jacobs – Ginger: OMG, this one is amazing!!! Pure ginger! Spicy but not too much. At the same time it’s fresh … And it come in a 300ml bottle.

Marc Jacobs - Ginger (perfume)
Marc Jacobs – Ginger

Vera Wang – Rock Princess: I know a everyone is in love with Princess, but to me it’s too sweet. I’m more into flower scents and Rock Princess is sweet flower scent. Like it a lot! And the bottle … OMG, too beautiful to handle. :D

Vera Wang - Rock Princess (perfume)
Vera Wang – Rock Princess

That’s it. I don’t have a lot more to say. I’m very happy with all my purchases.

Have you maybe tried any of the products that I bought? How do you feel about them?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

19 thoughts on “Maestra was shopping …”

  1. Ooo, čudovit nakup! NIč od tega še nisem preizkusila, mi je pa najbolj všeč MACova senčka, te ‘tridimenzionalne’ so mi na pogled tako čudovite, da ne vem kako bi jih uporabljala. :biggrin:

    • Res je. 300ml EdT. Gre za Marc Jacobs Splash zadevo, ki pride samo v tako veliki embalaži. :thumb: Ni pa ravno praktično pakiranje za v torbico. :think: :biggrin:


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