LCN Crackle finish nail polishes

I already showed you LCN Magnetic nail polishes I picked up in Slovenian LCN store. Today I have for you swatches of 3 out of 5 LCN crackle polishes I bought at the same time. I hope these are still sold.

LCN crackle nail polishes
LCN crackle nail polishes: Green Paul, Blue Linda, Red Cheyenne,Pink Jane, Yellow Kim

I already tried out all of them, but made swatches only for 3 shades. I liked all 5 crackle nail polishes – great and vibrant colors, they crack without much fuss … I think white and black are the only ones I left in the store.

LCN Blue Linda is deep blue shade that really makes base color pop. I used Rimmel Misty Jade as a base.

LCN Blue Linda crackle + Rimmel Misty Jade
LCN Blue Linda crackle + Rimmel Misty Jade

LCN Pink Jane l was hesitating about, but as I didn’t have any other pink crackle nail polish … Base polish is Flormar True Crystals 109.

LCN Pink Jane crackle + Flormar True Crystals 109 swatch
LCN Pink Jane crackle + Flormar True Crystals 109

LCN Yellow Kim was such a lovely yellows shade that it had to be mine. It’s very pale yellow, but still reminds me of sunny days. Base – H&M Light Blue.

LCN Yellow Kim crackle + H&M Light Blue swatch
LCN Yellow Kim crackle + H&M Light Blue

LCN Green Paul and Red Cheyenne are one of my favorites among crackles, so I have no idea how come I don’t have swatches of those two.

I don’t remember the exact price – but I think it was between 4 and 5 EUR for 8ml bottle.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

11 thoughts on “LCN Crackle finish nail polishes”

    • Pri nas sem jih videla na manikurnih kotičkih v Intersparih, včasih se jih je pa dalo kupiti tudi direktno pri uvozniku v Grosupljem. :yes:

  1. Kaj pa vem, od craclov se moram spočiti kakšno sezono ali dve. :wink: Čeprav mi zelen še manjka, tega bi gotovo kupila, moder je čudovite barve in firbca me, če je rdeč kaj bolj prekriven kot od Dependa. Pri slednjem me namreč moti, da se base barva skozi vidi. :/ Je pa modra kombinacija moja daleč najljubša, v sto niansah sem jo preizkusila. :D

    • :rose:
      Are you OK now – if I understood correctly you were ill (when you read posts with Google translate – you’re guessing half the time what exactly is the post about :biggrin: ).


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