Catrice Pimp My Shrimp nail polish + Essence Studio nails 24/7 nail base review

I’m into coral shades lately. I must be as I lost count of how many of them I wore in the last few weeks. Catrice Pimp My Shrimp is gentle coral shade which I love mainly because it’s not overpowering color – not too orange or pink – so it was perfect for the experiment I had in mind.

Catrice Pimp My Shrimp nail polish
Catrice Pimp My Shrimp

Application was nothing out of ordinary, consistency is not too thin or thick, so thumbs up for the formula and 2 coats are enough for full coverage. I guess I don’t have to tell you that this is creme finish.
As much as I love to wear corals I hate taking photos – they always looks either to orange or pink. In reality color is not as washed out as in the photo, but as I’m not master of color touch ups, this was the best I could do.

Catrice Pimp My Shrimp nail polish
Catrice Pimp My Shrimp swatch

Essence Studio nails 24/7 nail base

For the last month or two I’ve been using Essence Studio nails 24/7 nail base and so far – I love this base coat. I have noticed longer stying power, less staining and my nail are firmer. I don know if this base coat will work out in the long run (my nails tend to get too hard and start splitting if I use too much of “firming” nail polish) when used alone, but in the worst case scenario I’ll still be able to use it for every second manicure. I prefer matte finish in my bases and milky white-ish color is always a plus, so this one is like dream come true for me. :D

Essence Studio nails 24/7 nail base
Essence Studio nails 24/7 nail base

I chose Pimp My Shrimp shade as a test color in combination with 24/7 as base coat and Poshe fast drying top coat. I can not believe that after wearing it for whole week to test the combo, I forgot to take photo of the result.
The conclusion was: I had slight tip wear next day that remained almost the same throughout the week. We had picnic on the day 7 and nobody noticed that manicure was not perfect (nail growth was already showing it’s teeth tough) only that it matched my T-shirt. :D

Anyone else tried out Essence 24/7 nail base? How do you like it?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

21 thoughts on “Catrice Pimp My Shrimp nail polish + Essence Studio nails 24/7 nail base review”

  1. Ko mi zmanjka podlaka pa sprobam tegale, zaekrat so bili še vsi tvoji nasveti koristni :yes:
    Pimp my shrimp ni ‘moja’ barva, bo pa sestri močno všeč in že vidim s čim jo bom naslednjič presenetila :wink:

  2. Prekrasan je ovaj lak, baš je divna nijansa.
    A tvojim se swatchevima uvijek iznova divim.
    Fotke su ti prekrasne, možeš mi reći s kojim fotićem slikaš?
    I kako njeguješ nokte i održavaš? tako su ti nokti lijepi da bi ih mogla gledati i gledati i gledati.. jer ja u zadnje vrijeme muku mučim s njima pa ne mogu nikakve swatcheve raditi i manikure a htjela bi.. a ne znam kako da ih najbrže dovedem u red..

    • Canon PowerShot SX20IS. :wink:
      Znam, znam – već mi sa svih stana šapćete, da stvarno moram početi raditi na basic postovim. :blush:

  3. Can you believe I was actually looking into this basecoat and found no reviews??? I had it in my hands at the store while looking at the Essence basecoats but did not know if it was any good. I’ll keep your review in mind.

  4. Zanimivo zgleda ta podlak :yes: Jaz ga načeloma ne uporabljam (mam filing, da mi lak tako zdrži več časa..mogoče sem pa samo imela slabe podlake xD ) ampak zna bit, da bom tega sprobala! :thumb:

      • Res se mi ne zabarva :)) no, samo pri nekaterih zelenih odtenkih (kiko 342 mi je npr. naredil štalo, ampak se ni več poznalo, ko sem naslednji lak dala dol) xD še dobro, da zdaj vem, da moram bit na to ponosna :biggrin:

  5. I have that nail polish and I truly hate it even though the colour is beautiful. Two coats aren’t opaque, the formula is weird and makes it difficult to apply the second or the third coat. And it leaves bubbles everytime I try to use it. I’ve read someone else’s review of Pimp My Shrimp and the girls did exactly the same remarks. And by the way I had the exact same problems with Put Lavender on Agenda. I didn’t like Genius in the Bottle formula either. I don’t know what’s it all about. Perhaps in Poland the new Catrice nail polishes are of worse quality?

    I have to try that base :)

    • Unfortunately those kind of situations are nothing unusual. One of the things that is suppose to come with higher priced nail polishes is also quality control and is not something I even expect from Essence or Catrice … but it still makes me mad when I get one of those duds … like magnetic polish without iron particles. :biggrin:
      Other problem is, that sometimes things happen in the transport, store storage … and all kind of weird things can become of the perfectly normal formula. :sigh:

  6. I’m using that same base coat too lately, and I’m so impressed! I really love it :) I can feel how my nails have become a bit stronger, and the nail polishes I put on top of it don’t chip that fast.
    I’m a fan too ;)

  7. Lak je divan! Skroz te razumem sto se tice slikanja, ja svaki put poludim kad slikam koralne lakove!

    I hvala na preporuci za bazu! Bas ovih dana trazim neku dobru. Nadam se da ce slagati sa Seche Vite, kao i sa Poshe tc-om, i da mi nece pozuteti nokti. :)


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