Review and swatches: Alessandro Ice Cream Bar LE

If you love scented nail polishes and hand creams, then latest Alessandro limited edition called Ice Cream Bar is something you should check out. You can choose from 4 different scents (matching ones for nail polish and hand cream): Vanilla-Milk, Mango-Papaya, Lime-Vanilla, Strawberry-Mint.

Alessandro Ice Cream limited edition - group photo
Alessandro Ice Cream limited edition - group photo

I loved the ice cream on the promo photo (it brings back lovely memories from childhood), but I was skeptical about the scent thing. I seriously dislike nail polishes with strong almost perfume like scent … and almost all I have tried so far, had that sort of smell. I know most of the women love scented things, but I’m not among them.
You should have seen how careful was I to open the bottle and first smell “wet” nail polish. Fju – nothing overly sweet came out, so I proceeded with the application. First thing I noticed was the fact that scent is not overpowering. It’s more fresh and subtle fragrance, with hint of sweetness. The closest thing I can compare it to, are some of the fruity softeners.

I swatched and reviewed: Mango-Papaya and Lime-Vanilla nail polishes + Strawberry-Mint hand cream.

Alessandro Ice Cream Bar
Alessandro Ice Cream Bar

Alessandro Mango-Papaya nail polish was the first one I tested. Color is very nice slightly washed out orange shade. This one had slightly “fruit candy” smell … but the sweet note was not really pronounced. Polish is darker on the nails than in the bottle. Formula was on the thicker side and easy to apply. I used two coats and noticed that these nail polishes dry little bit faster than usual formula.

Alessandro Ice Cream Bar LE - Mango-Papaya nail polish
Alessandro Ice Cream Bar LE - Mango-Papaya nail polish swatch

Alessandro Lime-Vanilla is muted yellowish green shade. I can’t say this is my kind of green. Formula and application were same as with Mango-Papaya. I smell more lime than vanilla, but it’s not aggressive scent, so I guess vanilla does play some part in it. :D 2 coats + top coat.

Alessandro Ice Cream Bar LE - Lime-Vanilla nail polish
Alessandro Ice Cream Bar LE - Lime-Vanilla nail polish swatch

I had very specific plans for Mango-Papaya, but image from Bundle Monster 201 plate (again) refused to cooperate so lost the will to proceed with planned mani. I love that image but it’s *beep* to transfer onto the nails intact: a) if I roll it or b) center if I press it. I’ll have to work on this image as I like it too much to give up. :D

Alessandro Ice Cream Bar LE - Mango-Papaya + Bundle Monster IP 201
Alessandro Ice Cream Bar LE - Mango-Papaya + Bundle Monster IP 201

Lime-Vanilla was selected for newspaper nail art technique … OK, little bit modified one. I don’t really keep spirits at home and I ran out of the ethanol for medicine purposes, so I used spray-on hand sanitizer to “soften” the nail polish. I used one with isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol. It’s really not good to inhale that stuff, so I went outside and sprayed the alcohol onto my nails (skin was protected with oil), waited for 30 seconds and then repeated the process. Then I applied piece of newspaper over the nail and pressed it down. I was in a hurry so managed to unevenly spray (who knew such thing was even possible ) the alcohol over some of the nails … shiny bits should have been dead giveaway that alcohol didn’t do it’s job all the way. I let it dry and then applied top coat over the manicure.

Alessandro Ice Cream Bar LE - Lime-Vanilla + newspaper nail art
Alessandro Ice Cream Bar LE - Lime-Vanilla + newspaper nail art

Alessandro Strawberry-Mint hand cream has very light formula with sodium hyaluronate, macadamia oil, aloe gel … I used only smaller amounts of cream as it contains glycerin, but the effect was still moisturizing and slightly nourishing. It absorbs pretty fast, but leaves very fine film. Color is light pink and smells like strawberry candy.

Alessandro Ice Cream LE - Strawberry Mint handcreme
Alessandro Ice Cream LE - Strawberry Mint hand cream


  • 10ml (0,34 fl.oz.) nail polish – 9,95 EUR
  • 75ml (2,54 fl.oz.) hand cream – 12,95 EUR

Which of the four scents/colors intrigues you the most?

*I received items for review from Alessandro Slovenija

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

19 thoughts on “Review and swatches: Alessandro Ice Cream Bar LE”

  1. Mene so najbolj pritegnile kreme za roke, laki so preveč živi zame (no, rozast mi je lep :cute: ) :wub: samo se pridružujem predhodnicam: cene so previsoke :shock:

    • Si mislim, da bi bile kreme še večji hit, če bi bile pod 10 EUR, vendar to je pač njihov zastavljen cenovni razred.
      Malo me sicer bega, ker se mi je zazdelo, da sem v Mullerju videla isto ceno za lak in kremo, vendar sem bila leteča, tako da sem verjetno videla dve ceni za lak. :think:

  2. Oba odtenka sta fantastična in kremo za roke bi tudi z veseljem poskusila. Alessandro je pri meni ena tistih firm, nad katero sem večinoma navdušena nad odtenki, vendar se mi čisto ustavi pri ceni in potem nič ne kupim, razen če je res odbita noro lepa zadeva, brez katere ne morem živeti. :wink: Recimo magnetic lak, pa tisti moder mini lakec z zelenim shimmerjem, ki sta tudi edina dva, ki si ju lastim. Škoda, že če bi za dva, tri evre spustil ceno, bi jih imela verjetno za cel arsenal.

    • Jaz obožujem minije in ti počasi osvajajo moj “mini predal”. Ne vem, če sem v zadnjih letih preskočila katero LE. :biggrin:

  3. Stvarno je sve prekrasno :yes: :wub: :shock:
    Čim sam u nazivu kolekcije vidjela “Ice Cream Bar LE” odmah sam znala da je to kolekcija za mene jer obožavam sladoled i sve što ima bilo kakve veze s njim :happy:

  4. Zelen mi je perfekten. :wub: Ampak meni so nasplošno Alessandro lakci predragi. No, mogoče si premislim za tegale. :biggrin: Krema je pa precej zasoljena, glede na to, da ni ravno superduper. :shock:

    • Alessandro je že višji srednji razred. :yes: Krema ni poceni, vendar sestavine niso švoh … če si zavrtim film s sestavinami krem višjega cenovnega razreda, je tale veliko boljša, a še vedno očitno kvalitetno izdelana (sestavine so prvi del formule, tehnologija pa drugi :wink: ). Tudi v primerjavi z njihovimi prejšnjimi kremami, mi je tale bolj všeč, samo glicerin in aloe vera pač pri meni ne kotirata ravno visoko. Jo pa vseeno kar uporabljam, ker mi je vonj pri srcu (bonbončki brez dodatnih kil :silly: ) in ni mastna, tako da je primerna za pisarniška opravila. Ne bi jo pa ravno priporočala tistim, ki želijo ultra hranilno kremo.


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