OOTD: Banana Republic blue and white dress

I haven’t photographed my new shoes and clothes I bought in the States yet, but I have OOTD photos for you where I’m wearing one of my new dresses.

Maestra's OOTD: Banana Republic blue and white dress
Maestra's OOTD: Banana Republic blue and white dress
Maestra's OOTD: Banana Republic blue and white dress
Maestra's OOTD: Banana Republic blue and white dress

The dress is by Banana Republic and it’s from the petites line. This dress is very comfortable and perfect for summer.
The shoes are G by Guess. I bought them last year in America.
The clutch is by Xhilaration and I also bought it last year in the States. I think I bought it in Target. It was cheap and I liked it, although I wasn’t sure how to combine it. I think I wore it only once. Now I know I’m going to wear it more, because I think it looks great with this dress.

Now I’m off to enjoy the beautiful weather … ciao!

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

9 thoughts on “OOTD: Banana Republic blue and white dress”

  1. Dopade se mi na obleki da je seksi, ampak na sproščen način. Ne vem, če zveni smiselno, ampak a veš, ko ima kakšna punca blazno seksi oblekico, ki je lepa in ji pristoji in vse, ampak ne dobiš občutka udobnosti ko jo pogledaš? No, tu vidim razliko. :yes: Mimogrede, ne vem, ali je samo svetloba in fotke, ampak tale temnejša barva las (kolikor meni vsaj zgleda temnejša), je super fajn! :thumb:

    • Razumem, kaj misliš. Dejansko je oblekca super udobna, hkrati pa verjetno sexy deluje, ker je malenkost krajša kot je tista “udobna” dolžina. Krajša pa je, ker je iz petite linije, a mi je bilo všeč, da je tako. :biggrin:
      Ne, ni samo osvetlitev. Dobro si opazila. Že nekaj časa se sedaj barvam na malo temneje, ker sem bila prej že presvetla. Tudi sama se s to barvo odlično počutim. Sicer pa hvala za komliment!


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