Illamasqua – Naked Stranger – Intimacy and Zygomatic (review, swatches)

Naked Stranger is the name of the newest collection by Illamasqua. It mostly consists of natural colors – pink-beige and brown. There’s also gold color involved, just to make it more interesting. Here are the products that I’d like to show you.

Illamasqua - Naked Stranger collection: Intimacy, Zygomatic
Illamasqua - Naked Stranger collection: Intimacy, Zygomatic
Illamasqua - Naked Stranger collection: Intimacy, Zygomatic
Illamasqua - Naked Stranger collection: Intimacy, Zygomatic
Swatch: Illamasqua - Naked Stranger collection: Intimacy, Zygomatic, Ambition
Illamasqua - Naked Stranger collection: Intimacy, Zygomatic, Ambition

I have a cream blush kick lately and I have to tell you that it isn’t easy to get a good cream blush. I tried quite a lot of them and most of them are either too greasy or/and not pigmented enough or they are not easy to apply. That’s why I was eager to try the Illamasqua cream blush. Zygomatic is wonderful pink brown color. I love the color! It’s also nicely pigmented and very easy to apply. It looks very natural on the skin. This is now one of my favorite cream blushes (besides my beloved Bobbi Brown one).

The color of Zygomatic immediately reminded me of Illamasqua’s Ambition blush. Ambition is powder blush with gold shimmer, but the base color is very similar to the Zygomantic blush. Ambition blush was one of my favorite natural looking blush so far and now Zygomatic is even better, because it’s cream and it has no shimmer to it.

Illamasqua - Naked Stranger collection: Intimacy, Zygomatic, Ambition
Illamasqua - Naked Stranger collection: Intimacy, Zygomatic, Ambition

Sheer lipgloss in Intimacy is another great product. The gloss is sticky like all Illamasqua lipglosses and it’s quite long lasting. I love the lipgloss because the color is (again) wonderful. It looks really natural on my lips. And the shimmer gives it depth. I didn’t know that Illamasqua changed the packaging of (sheer) lipglosses. I didn’t like the old packaging, so I’m very happy that they changed it.

Illamasqua - sheer lipgloss: old vs. new - Intimacy vs. Lily-Rose
Illamasqua - sheer lipgloss: old vs. new - Intimacy vs. Lily-Rose

In the next two posts I’ll show you how do the products look like on the face. Until then … Let me know in the comments how do you like the products from the Naked Stranger collection? And which product is your favorite?

*I received items for review from Illamasqua

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

13 thoughts on “Illamasqua – Naked Stranger – Intimacy and Zygomatic (review, swatches)”

  1. Wow, samo wow lahko rečem. :stars:
    Barvi obeh odtenkov sta čudoviti in kar vidim tale blush na popolni svetli koži z dewy sijajem in potem še tale nude lip gloss in čokoladna senčka ob trepalnicah – moj sanjski look :wub:

    Bom začela šparat, da si bom lahko privoščila tadva izdelka ker sta čudovita

    • Blush je fantastičen! Res. Izdredno univerzalna barva, krasna tako na svetli kot tudi malenkost temnejši koži.
      Če najdem slučajno kaj podobnega v naših drogerijah, sporočim. ;)

  2. Sve ovo što si pokazala mi se sviđa. :wub:
    Nisam isprobala još ništa od Illamasqua-e ali nadam se da ću nekad imati priliku.
    Baš mi se sviđa ova kolekcija kao i boje :)

  3. Naked Strangers kolekcija me je pustila dokaj hladno, če izvzamem blushe. Ne vem, ali zato, ker so moja nova obsesija ali zgolj zato, ker sicer nisem ljubitelj subtilnejših barv na nohtih, lip glossov in zlatkaste barve. Vendar se mi oba rdečila v zbirki zdita res super, z veseljem bi si ju privoščila in razmišljam, da bi poskusila najti kakšen približek v trgovini. Sicer bi raje kupila powder blush, pri kremnih in tekočih dobim vedno občutek, da so level 2 in 3, se pravi za tiste, ki imate blushe že v malem prstu. :silly: :wink:

    • Mene so pustili hladne laki iz kolekcije (morda tudi zato, ker me je lak-obsesija malenkost popustila), ostale reči izgledajo super. Izdelka, ki ju imam pa sedaj skoraj vsakodnevno uporabljam.
      Izbira powder / cream / liquid … blusha je malenkost odvisna od tipa kože. Npr. v teoriji krem blushi niso najbolj primerni za mastno kožo ipd. Poleg tega ima vsak malenkost drugačen efekt. Jaz sam zadnje čase navdušena nad krem blushi. Stalnica so seveda tudi powder blushi. Tekočih pa skoraj nimam in nekako me (zaenkrat) ne pritegnejo.
      Če najdem kak dovolj dober približek Zygomantic blusha v drogeriji, pa sporočim. ;)


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