Sunday’s trip to Idrija Lace Festival

By Mamy

Last Sunday I visited Idrija Lace Festival.

Klekljana Čipka

Idrija is situated 60 kilometers from Ljubljana and lies in the confluence of Idrijca and Nikova river. Idrija is mostly know for its mercury mine. Mine is now closed down, but one of the shafts is available for public visits. If you get a chance, I recommend you join the guided tour of Anthony’s shaft.

Another thing Idrija is widely know for is lacemaking. Lace used to be important part of everyday life. Jewelry, curtains, ties, wood or glass, lace was incorporated in some way. We had to make couple of rounds to pick something for our home.

Klekljana Čipka

I adored this lady lace originating from Czech Republic. And all of the motives were copyrighted too.

Handmade Lace Atelier Hana Prague

Want to know more about lacemaking? You can read more about it HERE or watch video about it.

And it would be sin not to have Idrija žlikrofi while in Idrija + we took the opportunity to visit Wild Lake near Idrija.


I’m sure I forgot to mention lots of interesting things to see/do. And I forgot my camera at home, too.
Have a lovely time wherever you are.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

5 thoughts on “Sunday’s trip to Idrija Lace Festival”

  1. Čipke so tako lepe. V st. Ljubljani imajo trgovinico z idrijskimi čipkami, zmeraj pasem pogled na izložbi, tistega zmajčka si enkrat kupim. :yes:

  2. Ste bili pri nas doma. :wink:
    Samo čipkarski festivali zadnja leta niso več to kar so bili včasih. Škoda…
    Drugače pa lepo da vama je bilo všeč. :yes:

  3. O, lepo! Idrija me je zelo lepa. Divjega jezera pa še nisem obiskala… Bo pa treba kot vidim :)


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