We debated about Essence Break Through nail polish on few forums, blogs … and none of the opinions were favorable. It’s hard to apply, streaky, chips … As all of the new Colour&Go polishes I have tried so far worked well I was really curious what went wrong with this shade. So I bought it the first opportunity I had.

You know how it is – we all have our way of applying nail polishes, so I thought I would film how I do it and then show you final result. Here is how my Break Through acted:
I can’t say this shade was horrible to apply or that finish looked annoyingly streaky. It’s not my favorite formula as it’s little bit to thin for that, but nothing I could not live with. What really shocked me was how different this shade looks in shade, artificial cool light and under sunlight. It was like looking at two completely different shades.
Staying power I can not yet comment on. It didn’t chip in the few hours I wore it without top coat, but I’ll have to wear it for couple of days to see how it fares on my nails. I’ll update this post as soon as I test it.
Swatch is made with 2 coats of Break Through and one layer of top coat. Photo was taken under cooler light, while detail is from the sun … see how different are the colors?

It’s not really my kind of the shade, but I was curious so I had to try it out.
Do you have Essence Break Through? What are your thoughts about this nail polish?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Super izgleda na noktu ali vidi se da nije baš neko nanošenje. Ja imam Stuck On You tj. taj sam probala i zaista je super osim postojanosti – traje ravno pola dana prije neg se počne guliti. Užas.
I own the first version of this nail polish. It was actually the first nail polish by Essence that I’ve bought, two years ago! The formula was more on the thick side, it didn’t have any shimmer in it, it was a vivid purple creme, and it wasn’t hard work to apply. I do not have the new version though but I might bought it ’cause the old one is already too thick to apply :) I am anxious to compare the two versions :D
hehe mojo izkušnjo poznaš… očitno je potreben bolj debel nanos al neki…
I don’t own this nail polish, because I’ve been looking for it for months and I still haven’t found it! :cry: It looks pretty on your nails! :nails:
Krasna nijansa. Baš se veselim novim Essence lakovima, ambalaža mi je toliko slatka da ću ih valjda sve htjeti pokupovati! :wub:
jesu li to konacno i oni ubacili kuglice u lakove ili si to ti dodala?
U originalu su bile unutra … ali i prije se mi čini, da su neki lakovi imali kuglice a neki ne … možda je tako samo u LE edicijama. :think:
ma nisu, catrice je vec prije dodao, al ja nemam nijedan essence koji ih je imao ni u standardnoj liniji ni od limiteda. doduse mozda samo ja nisam imala srece s izborom bocica :silly:
To vsekakor ni moje vrste odtenek, sem se pa zagledala v tvoje ‘gole’ nohte in kako beli izgledajo, zelo lepo
Na nekaterih se sicer prav grdo pozna zabarvanost, ker je podlak mat in včasih preskočim noht … ker ni očitno, da še nisem nanesla podlaka. :biggrin:
boja je prekrasna
Meni samo ona na suncu. :biggrin:
meni izgleda podoben kot essence passion for fashion, a ne?
Am – sumim, da nimam tega odtenka … take vijole ponavadi pustim v trgovini. :blush: