Today I have a gorgeous nail polish to show you. It is 212-Sephora by Sephora by OPI. It is a dark brown almost light smokey black polish with gold and copper glitter, holographic glitter and duochrome flakes. It’s one of the most complex polishes I own. It looks amazing in the bottle. Unfortunately the complexity doesn’t show up as beautiful on the nails, but it is still gorgeous.
This is how it looks like in the bottle.
And a blur photo to show the holographic glitter better.
This is how it looks like on the nails most of the time (in low light).
![Sephora by OPI: 212-Sephora Swatch: Sephora by OPI: 212-Sephora](
![Sephora by OPI: 212-Sephora Swatch: Sephora by OPI: 212-Sephora](
Mmm, this polish brings back wonderful memories … I bought it in LA …
Please excuse my yuck cuticles and short nails. It is very cold outside and I’ve been neglecting my cuticles (and nails and hands) which especially in combination with cold weather is never a good idea. I filed down my nails yesterday. I like my nails short but at the moment they are a bit too short even for my taste. Well, I do not have a problem with it, they just don’t look too good on photos. :)
Do you like Sephora by OPI – 212-Sephora nail polish? And how do you take care of your cuticles and hands in the winter time?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
tale lak je pa wow :wub:
Wow, it’s beautiful!!!
Zelo so mi všeč tvoji kratki nohtki in lak seveda! :nails:
Meni je tudi zelo všeč…
Jaz imam tudi razcepljene nohte pa se sprašujem zakaj…prišla sem do odgovora, da jem premalo vitaminov, vendar res ne vem, če je to res…je tudi res, da si glih ne mažem rok s kremo…misliš, da je to posledica tega? :unsure: :ermm:
Meni pa ta lak niti malo ni všeč.
Tudi meni so zelo všeč kratki nohti. Glede obnohtne kožice pa se pri meni najbolj obnese krema Trixera od Avene, ki sicer ni primarno namenjena negovanju rok vendar imam majhern testerček nenehno v torbici in zaenkrat mi to najbolj navlaži kožico ko sem zdoma, doma pa kapnem nanjo še kakšno olje (katerokoli je pri roki). Pa kadar pomivam vedno uporabljam zaščitne rokavice – ponavadi naredim celo tako da roke konkretno namažem s kremo (ponavadi ognjičevo) dam čez bombažne rokavičke, čez te pa tiste za pomivat in se lotim dela :angel: …
Bas zanimljiv lak.. Lepo ti stoji.. :)
Very unusual and lovely
Veoma je lep i zanimljiv lak.
Još nisam našla nešto što bi mi potpuno zaštitilo ruke zimi, osim rukavica, a rukavice ne mogu nostiti stalno. Zato su i meni zanoktice ispucale :angry:
Prečudovit je. :wub: :drool: