Let’s chat: plans, new series, your input …

I feel like chatting today, so I’ll do just that. I’ll try to keep from rambling too much, but I already know I’ll probably fail. :D

As some of you noticed I was little out of everything lately. What can I say – cold after cold after cold + some other health issues and I was lucky to do anything at all … plus I was cranky as hell. Of course it would be too much to ask to be finally rid of sneezing, coughing and all that jazz as once again I have cold – fortunately very mild one this time.
But I feel my energy levels rising, ideas are bursting in my mind so I’m hopeful I’ll be able to write more. It does not help to have more ideas than professional blogger could handle let alone hobby blogger with very limited time though.

We celebrated our 4th blogiversary with usual giveaway. We’re still planing to do yearly survey and contest that usually took place in January, but this year we’re so busy (or sick), that we’ll just do one thing a month. Like some of you remember, Google locked our survey last year, so I’m still searching for best application for this years survey. If I manage to find something reliable, then survey (with little thank you giveaway) will be up this month. And challenge will be probably held in March.

Project Foundation is still alive and kicking. Maestra is busy bee and is preparing multiple reviews. I still have one Deborah foundation to review + I just started testing new Bourjois Healthy Mix liquid foundation, so expect those two from me in the near future. I’m slowly putting drugstore/high street foundations on the shelf (I’ll still be reviewing them, just not as much) and will be starting to hunt for higher end foundations.
Anything you would like to recommend? So far I have one Chanel and one Estee Lauder on my “perhaps” list. Main problem are once again not light enough shades, or too pink, not my kind of formulas … But I’m positive I’ll manage to find at least 2 or 3 interesting foundations.

I’ll be starting with another project – Project Mascara. I felt limited by “categories” in Project Foundation series, so this time format will probably vary a little bit from review to review. I wanted to show you two of my favorite Bourjois mascaras, but was told they’ll be removing them soon, so I’ll start with 2 of Bourjois mascaras making their debut. I’m also be reviewing one of the new Catrice mascaras – the one with added fibers.

After having long debate with myself (I promise I’m not crazy ), I finally decided to write few so called “back to basics” posts. I need seriously long time to make one of those posts, so I’m still debating – post/photos or video.

There are 2 other series on the paper, but I doubt I’ll have time for them so I’ll present the to you only when I’m sure I’ll be able to pull them off.

Out blog design needs some TLC, but it’s definitively huge amount of work if we do it ourselves, so we’re looking into other options.

I hope I finally managed to answer all your comments on my posts, emails, FB messages … but in case I missed yours, please contact me again. I was severely swamped with all the messages, so I did my best and hopped I didn’t miss anybody.

Enough for today, I have to leave something for our next chat. :D As always – your comments are always very welcomed so don’t hesitate to say what is on your mind.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

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