Can you believe it – it’s already Parokeets fourth birthday aka blogoversary!
Like always a lot of things happened in the past year – we wrote few hundred posts, started new series, had lots of fun and great interaction with our fantastic readers, almost 1.000.000 of pages on our blog was read and nearly 500.000 of you visited us.
This year we’ll be having little bit different giveaway than in the past as the only sponsors will be us. :D We would love to have similar giveaway as in the past years, but unfortunately we just did not have any extra time to organize it. But we hope that you like the products we chose for our fourth birthday giveaway just the same.

All of us adore Inglot eyeshadows, so those were a must. We chose more traveling friendly Inglot 5 Freedom palette with more or less neutral shades (and a pop of green), OPI Spotted will be representing “crackle” finish and Gosh Holographic Hero holo one.
Other goodies:
– Revlon Matte lipsticks in Really Red, Wine Not
– Kiko nail polishes: 347, 255
– Essence nail polishes: Waking Up In Vegas, Gold Old Buffy
– Glam Nail Larissa flakie
– Flormar blush 89
Good luck everybody and thank you for following Parokeets blog, all your comments and opinions – they matter A LOT.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
včeraj odkrila vaš blog in ne morem nehat brati, super ocene, izbor izdelkov, všeč mi je raznovrstnost kategorij vašega bloga, ter da je več avtoric…
iskrene čestitke za 4. obletnico, to je zelo lepa doba, pa še veliko ustvarjalne zabave ob blogu želim :sigh:
In case you’re not familiar with Raffelcopter – winner is already announced in the application. I’ll leave it on for few more weeks and then remove it.
Conrats, Tatjana!
Če slučajno niste na tekočem z Rafflecopter aplikacijo, zmagovalka je že razglašena. :wink: Še nekaj tednov bom pustila programček na strani, potem pa ga bom umaknila.
Čestitam, Tatjana!
Obožujem vaše prispevke in vas redno spremljam. Super ste, punce! :ahug:
Čudovite manikure in make upi ter ideje, odlična resolucija slik, preglednost bloga ter kritični opisi! :thumb:
Res mi je všeč vajin blog, sploh pa z veseljem berem reviewje :)
Amazing goodies! Huge like for fourth birthday.
I just love your nail polish swatches, keep them going.
Super blog :) Redno spremljam objave, vendar redko kdaj kaj napišem.. pa saj ni kaj za reči, itak so vse manikure krasne! Pa make upi tudi ;)
jako mi se svida vasa stranica a posebno me zanimaju recenzije i predstavljanje novih proizvoda :)
Would love to see nail art and tutorials! Thank you for the giveaway!
I like your nail polish comparisons
I love your blog name and lil mascot! Thanks for hosting a great giveaway!
From what I read already, I love your reviews a lot
It’s great!
I really love it.
it would be awesome if you could do a post about available matte nail polish top coats (po možnosti takih, ki so na voljo v trgovinah po Sloveniji)… I really miss the one from Essence :(
I love all your reviews on BeautyUK palettes, especially the post that you bring one of the palette for holiday hehehe.
Super je blog, ne bi nista mijenjala, smao tako dalje :D
so great! happy anniversary! :D
I love your nail polish comparisons :)
I wouldn’t change a thing. Keep the good work!
I like tutorials
Happy blogiversary!
Congratulations !!
I like to read the product reviews
Thanks alot for this giveaway,
More tutorials !
I wouldn’t change a thing
I love your blog just the way it is! Keep up the good work :)
I love your blog just the way it is! Keep up the good work :)
Love your blog :wave:
I would love to see more turorials and makeup reviews
More tutorials pleeease! :P
i would like to see more tutorials
Happy bloganiversary and thanks for the giveaway :)
more elf reviews please =)
CONGRATS!! :w00t: Would love to see tutorials!! :nails:
I’d love to see more reviews of Essence and Catrice LE!
Congratulations on the 4th anniversary!
Jupi… super nagrada… :)
i would like to see more tutorials :D
Something for you to know: I love nailpolish haha!
i want this :D
thanks for the giveaway!
I love your swatches about nail polishes and latest trends in beauty/makeup products -love the clear photos,too! Like your honest and detailed descriptions and experiences about the tried products !
Hi tanks for this oportunity!
Punce, ve razturate :happy: Čestitke za RD :rose:
i like your posts, they are in depth and show your writing skills
i dont have any nailpolish.. But, i want to star collecting nailpolish..
So i hope i can win this Giveaway ^^
I Love the stamping! Everything else is considered a bonus for me!
I love everything about the blog…keep up the good work!
PS: I would love to see Allesandro Crystal Punk swatches.
Happy new year :rose:
I am new your blog but what I have seen so far is awesome!!!
Happy Bloganiversary ^^ and Thanks for the giveaway :) Great blog ^^ :ahug:
i like your blog. great review posts
Hai i’m new here nice to khow you alls. .:-)
Great giveaway!
Happy blogiversary!
Punce super ste. Vse najboljše :rose:
love your blog and your reviews
Thanks for the great giveaway and Happy Blogiversary! :)
seems to me like it was just yesterday: you were celebrating your second year, and i just created my own bl0g. you were one of most influential blogs to me in those days, and still remain!
I like the products about you make reviews, because most of the time they are the same I own or that I’d like to buy! :-) I like giveaways, even if I NEVER win :-( I like your images and your kindness when answer question. :thumb:
hello i love hauls and reviews
Čestitam za obletnico in veliko ogledov strani. Mi lahko zaupaš koliko od teh ogledov je bilo iz Slovenije?
Vse najboljše, bejbe :ahug: še veliko super postov :rose:
Čestitam na 4.blogorođendanu!! Nadam se da ćete ih još puno proslaviti!! :)
I love seeing swatches and original designs!
Cestitke za blogorodjendan! Od mene samo pohvale samo predlog za malo cesce postove
vse najboljše, Parokeetke! keep up the good work! :)
Čestitam 4 blogorođendan!!!! And manny more ;)))
Great giveaway! Congratulations on your anniversary!
I <3 this blog – but i do miss big review posts from catrice and essence LE products :thumb: :thumb:
Happy Anniversary!
Vse naj naj :wave: res hud giveaway :w00t:
Same čudovite stvari za nagrado! Nekaj je celo takih, ki si jih želim že zelo dolgo. :)
Drugače pa same pohvale o vajinem blogu. Swatchi so vedno the best!
Super ste!
Vedno rada preberem nove objave,
sploh ko sem v dilemi kaj kupiti in česa ne.
Čestitke za že četrto obletnico! :)
Enkrat bolj na začetku vašega delovanja, sem že bila nagrajenka v eni izmed vaših nagradnih iger in po približno treh letih spet upam da bom imela srečo! :silly:
You are the best :thumb:
Happy blog anniversary!:)
Happy Blog anniversary!
I really like your blog, it’s always very well written and has great photos and reviews.
I love seeing brands and collections that aren’t available around here. :)
Super blog!!! Všeč mi je, ker je veliko swatchev. Zelo uporaben je tudi test pudrov. Kar tako naprej punce! :yes:
Vse najboljše za že 4 leta delovanja vašega bloga! Upam, da bo blog še dolgo deloval, saj me vedno zanima kaj novega je na policah. :wave:
I am loving the swatches and hoping to see post about doing perfect processional face foundation / from the zero how to prepare the skin first to conceal it to have the flawless look
I love your blog starting from layout till swatches. Happy blogiversary!
Punce vse najboljše za 4 leta ustvarjanja, ter veliko energije in motivacije v prihodnje :thumb:
I super duper love your photos :pic: and your swatches on Parokeets blog. :thumb: Oh and thank you so very much for hosting this awesome giveaway Parokeets :rose: :happy: :ahug:
I like to see Catrice and Essence swatches on the blog, as those are the 2 brands I love from your side of the globe :)
happy blogiversary! I would like to see more giveaways like this
I really love your blog! Keep up the good work!
I love your nail polish reviews!!
Thanks for this amazing giveaway!!
What I love best is the way you write! Your blog is easy to read, but not in a boring, but in a fun, happy and entertaining way. That’s why I always love to read what the parokeets have to say :D :wave:
Vse najboljše za 4ko :yes: Na blogu sicer najraje gledam swatche Essence/Catrice lakov :wink: Pogrešam pa..Hm,mogoče mal bolj pogoste objave :whistle: :wave:
happy blogiversary! i finally found a way to follow you via gfc!
Congrats and thank you for the Giveaway!
New follower so Im excited to see everything!
Vse najboljše za obletnico :happy: , sem vaša bralka že od samega začetka, tako da vam želim še veliko super objav v prihodnosti. :thumb:
Sretan rođendan :happy: Sve je super, samo nastavite tako :yes:
Happy anniversary!
Happy B day! I love nail posts!
Vse najboljše za 4. rojstni dan! Pa bodite še naprej tako super kot ste. :)
Sploh ne morem verjeti, da vaš blogec berem že toliko časa! Vsaj ša parkrat toliko! :wink:
Happy anniversary! I love your nail posts!
I love seeing swatches of European things I can’t get over here :D
Keep up the great work!
love you. Happy anniversary!
I’d like to see more beauty stuff reviews.
Thank you
I love your swatches!
Happy anniversary and thanks for the giveaway!
I love Parokeets, what to hate about it, are you kidding me? :)
I don’t think I miss anything, I just would like to see more new posts!!
Happy new year! :)
Čestitke za vsa leta bloganja!!
Blog obiščem zaradi kvalitetnih priporočil (če se kdaj želim znebiti malo denarja :wink: ) in nasplošno lahko rečem da ste mi Parokeetke zelo simpatične in vedno uživam ko vidim kakšen nov post, ki ga še nisem prebrala
love the reviews <3
wow cetri godine :happy: cestitam :ahug: a nagrada na giveawayu je super ima tu bas ponekih draguljcica
Hello! Happy anniversary! I recently discovered this blog and I like it very much, especially that the posts are organized by category.
Čestitke za 4 leta bloganja! :ahug: Vaš blog ostaja med mojimi najljubšimi, vse pohvale za konsistentno kvaliteto, zabavnost in informiranje o izdelkih, ki pridejo še kako prav! Giveaway je resnično radodaren, Revlon in Inglot! :drool: Hvala vam. :rose: In še na mnoga leta bloganja! :happy:
Oh, zdaj sem še videla, da je komentar eden od entrijev. :blush: Torej, najbolj mi je všeč pri Parokeetkah, da se lahko popolnoma zanesem na vaše ocene. Izdelek, ki sem ga kupila po vašem priporočilu, me še ni razočaral, še več, navadno postane med najbolj uporabljanimi v moji zbirki. Zelo so mi všeč kvalitetne in jasne fotografije izdelkov in izgledov ki jih ustvarjate in mi tako dajete ideje za lastne kreacije. Da mi kaj ne bi bilo všeč, še nisem opazila. Resnično ustvarjate zelo kvaliteten blog. :yes:
hi :)
congrats on 4th year
i like your swatches
i would to see more reviews
I like the swatches, very helpfull! :happy:
Thanks a lot for the giveaway!!!
Your blog is great and you are so funny, the pics are so good… :)
I am in love with OPI spotted and I would love to get it finally!! :D
ma cure moje, volim svaki vaš post… premda su mi oni s noktićima i novim lakovima najdraži :silly:
čestitam na 4-oj godišnjici, želim vam ih još puuuuuuuno, puuuuno :thumb:
i hvala na darivanju, prekrasno izgledaju ove stvarčice :happy:
i love your swatches, but i would like to see more pictures in posts!
congrats on 4th year!
všeč so mi skoraj vsi blogi..(nisem še tako zelo navdušena nad laki za note:)
se strinjam s predhodnicami…imate čudovite swatch-e lakov in rada prečekiram vaše post-e :nails:
Parokeets is probably the first page I go to when I look for nail polish swatches. You do amazing work, you help us so much, and you make us happy (and our wallets sad and empty :D ), and thank you for all of that!
I love all the nail polish posts the best. Especially that there are not many blogs that feature European polishes and one of my favourite brands — Alessandro. You always make it easier for me to make my choices when yet another of their LE collections appears in stores. :)
I love all your nail polish posts. They’re the only ones I look at because I’m a polish addict. Happy 4th anniversary!!!!!
So cool that you’ve blogged for 4 years already…Love your blog ^^
I love being able to read info about beauty products that I can’t get access to here. Thanks for hosting such a lovely giveaway!
Vse najbolše… tale blog je zakon :)
new follower! I’m looking forward to reading your blog :)
Super blog! Čestitke za 4 leta :wub:
I would die for the Opi spotted nail polish. :wub: if by any chance (haha fate :haha: ) I’d win, I really didn’t need the rest.
love your blog. :yes: I’m following you on youtube :) I comment mostly there :sigh:
Čestitke za 4. rojstni dan! In pa seveda še veliko veliko dobrih objav, slikic, ki jih bomo veseli vsi bralci.
4 years, amazing! How do u do it? I love reading about different products (half of which u can’t get in Australia) and really enjoy ur makeup posts. Thanks for an awesome giveaway! :crown:
pa se na mnoga leta! :happy:
Vau, 4 leta že? Super ste, res! :rose:
Še na mnoge objave! :biggrin:
Cestitke za 4. rodjendan! :happy:
To je ozbiljan staz u blogovanju, svaka cast! :)
A pokloni su divni.. Ne znam sta bih izdvojila, sve mi se svidja! :)
Uf, gre hitro! Ful ste pridne in res z veseljem vsak dan pogledam, če ste objavile kaj novega. Pa vse najboljše za 4. rojstni dan :rose: Zdaj pa na naslednje štiri, pa potem še naslednje itd. :yes:
Blog sem začela spremljati pred kratkih in moram rečt, da je res super!! Všeč mi je, ker je v slovenščini in ker izvem toliko uporabnih stvari in si prihranim zgrešene nakupe. Še tako naprej!! :thumb: Pa vse najboljše! :happy:
I love the quality of Parokeets,the pictures,the reviews..everything! :)
4 leta že…čestitke :rose: Drugače pa mislim, da vaš blog pokriva vse….najbolj so mi pa všeč swatchi lakov in primerjavi podobnih izdelkov različnih firm…le tako naprej :thumb:
I enjoy reading your blog. I don’t twitter and I don’t have a blog to share…but if I did, I would! Thanks for all of your great work. I really like to see comparisons between similar polishes and get your comments as to how the polishes wear and the ease of putting them on. :)
Srećan blogorođendan! Da još dugo uživamo u vašem pisaniju i slikama. :rose:
S obzirom na to da sam zaluđenik za lakove, najviše volim Gejbine poruke, mada mi je zanimljivo koliko Maestra maštovito ume da se našminka.
awesome giveaway :D
i really love your polish videos where you show the colours on your nails :D
I love everything on your blog! Congrats for completing 4 years…
Super giveaway :) To leto sem bila zelo pridna in spremljala vsako objavo, ker ste res super :)
Happy blogiversary :bow: :yes: :ahug: be so great, so cool and so beatiful as ever :ccc:
i like the posts, they are understandable and relative
Čestitke za obletnico!
nice giveaway!
congrats on 4 years of blogging!
Happy blogiversary! A new subscriber here, lovely giveaways <3
Čestitam. Še naprej imejte tako podrobne objave s super fotkami.
Lovely surprises <3
OMG že 4 leta?! Čestitke! :rose: Še dvaj nekajkrat toliko vam želim! :nails:
Šele zdaj sem videla, da je komentar tudi entry… Definitivno podpiram foundation project in se ne bi branila bolj pogostih objav v tej smeri. :whistle: Mogoče bi lahko podobno serijo začele tudi s kakšnim drugim kosom ličil – maskare, korektor, BLUSHi? :cute:
Jaz se bom počasi lotila maskar, vendar v stilu posameznih postov. Je vsaka tak unikum, da porabim preveč časa, če želim predalčkat zadeve. :silly:
wow, opi spotted! 3 leta, res impresivno!
Sretan rođendan, nastavite i dalje biti tako super! :)
sretan blog rođendan! želim vam ih još mogo te još vise postova,posjetitelja,komentara…
Že štiri leta? Kako hiti čas :w00t: Najraje imam objave o nohtih, sploh novih omejenih Essence kolekcij. Hvala za tak super giveaway, sploh Spotted :drool:
super giveaway ;)
želela bi si več postov, ampak saj vsi vemo, da čas ni ravno naš zaveznik :D lahko pa bi naredile tudi kakšno mini nagradno igro, v kateri bi bralke sodelovale s svojimi svaritvami ;)
p.s.: še na mnoga leta :rose:
Odlicno darivanje!
I miss getting comments back
Čestitam za 4. obletnico in naj blog še zelo zelo dolgo živi. :)
Kaj pogrešam na blogu? Pogostejše poste, ampak razumemo, da ste zaposlene. :)
Nagrada pa tudi krasna. :)
Super! :)
Ohh, happy blogginversary!! 4 years is a long time as opposed to most beauty blogs out there. I hope there will be many more to come.
Super je blog, ne bi nista mijenjala, smao tako dalje :D