Few days I go I spotted two Gosh polishes on Ebay – Holographic and Silver. Price was little less than 14 EUR (around 20 USD) for the set but I “closed my eyes” and clicked Buy anyway.
Today I have on Gosh Holographic.

If I compare it to S-he or Essence holo polishes this one is way more holo. Rainbow becomes invisible only in really pool lighting. Better the lighting more holo effect is seen.

Now this polish was one tough cookie to apply. I was warned I should skip base coat with Holographic … but I had to try it out anyway.
Imagine you have fresh konadicure on and you have to use top coat right this minute. This polish has similar technique of application – as little brush strokes as possible and lots of polish on the brush (if you manage it since the brush is really thin).
First few nails actually had bald spots until I got hang of it. Most of the “baldies” were gone with the third layer.
After I used top coat holo effect went missing for couple of minutes – it did come back but not as holo as it was before.

After a long long time I had to really shake a polish. There was no other way to get rid of the holo clumps. Fortunately my vigorous shaking didn’t cause bubbles in it.
Does anybody else have this polish? How do you like it?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
:stars: :stars:
Jeeez, 20$?! Too much indeed. But, it’s wonderful, have to admit that. :D
I have it and I keep thinking about taking it out of the box but…I wear ridge-filler and putting any holo over the top is a nightmare. I do not have a single holo that is easy but this is the worst. I may put it on ebay because it just drove me nuts the only time I used it. Gosh is an OK brand but holos generally are PITA to apply.
I had realy good experience with Essence and S-he holo polishes. They applied beautifully. :wub:
But Gosh one …
I agree. A :devil: to apply and chipped/peeled within a day, but what a beauty!
Jope. Mine chipped the same day too.
I don’t have it but I really like it from what I’ve seen on pics. I only own the Nfu Oh 61 silver holo and it’s great but it can be a little too much in your face. This seems more subtle.
I would only change base color to darker silver. This was little bit over the top for me.
I own this one too and you’re right about the application! It’s really lumpy and tricky, skipping the base coat helps a lot indeed :-). But I think this holo is so pretty I really don’t mind the bad application part that much.
Btw. The price you paid isn’t that cheap but not that bad either, since they cost almost 7 euros a bottle in stores around here :-)
I think I paid 5 EUR for my other Gosh polishes. But Gosh is leaving Slovenia so Ebay is now my best friend when it comes to Gosh.
Next time – no base coat.
Lepotec! In lepo ti pristoji!
lep :wub:
Zelo lep :) Sama imam tudi slabe izkušnje s holoti (Nfuoh) in je nanos ravno tako katastrofalen … slabo prekriven, suši se 100 let, naneseš drugo plast in ta pobere polovico prve … aja pa Nfuohi (holoti) se ne razumejo najbolje z Essie Good to go (pobere 3/4 laka, če pa ne se kmalu vse skupaj odlepi kot nalepka). No, da ne bo to samo negativno pisanje o holotih, moram reč,i da jih kljub zahtevnemu nanašanju obožujem :) :wub:
Lep :wub:
Hvala punce. :rose: Mi je prav hecno, ker vsi gledajo kaj imam to za eno čudo na nohtih … pa so navajeni marsičesa pri meni. :haha:
Res zelo holo lakec :stars: krasen je!
Prekrasen je! :w00t:
Jaz sem pa očitno po novem Kvacka, po Matejcka se ne morem več prijavit. :think:
Si Matejcka na WP, Kvacka pa v Googlu? Si mogoče spreminjala geslo? Da vidim ali gre za enega izmed znanih problemov ali se je pojavil kak nov. Če želiš mi lahko pošlješ info na gejba(at)parokeets.com. :rose:
Lepotec! :stars:
like it a lot :stars: