Happy New Year!!!
Can’t say I’m the “New Year’s resolutions” kind of person but I decided that 2013 will be my year, but you’re all welcome to share it with me. I would say that it just can’t go lower than 2012, but you know what would happen in that case, right? :D
I spent New Year’s Eve at home with my darling and bum knee. So no dress up and all that jazz for me. But I did make a manicure … something so not like me. Few of my friends asked for more of “wearable” manicures. Khm – I wear pretty much all my manicures so I could argue about wearable, but I guess we all know what kind of manicures were they talking about.
I have very little of nice nude shades in my collection (see – I need new polishes :D ), so decision was not really tough … especially, since I knew I wanted to try out again moody China Glaze Moonlight.

Idea was to use milky white base and double stamp it with 2 different gold shades. Weeell – Kiko 247 nail polish was practically invisible so you would need really good eyesight to see it. In essence this is China Glaze Moonlight with Catrice Goldfinger stamping over it.
To stay in “easy to get” range I used one of the new Essence stamping plates for the all over image.

Frankly – I did not hate this manikure, but then again it did look better in real life.
I’ll try to be good girl and write few of the post from request list(s) … hopefully this month and not sometime this year.
If you have any requests, do let me know – I’m currently planing to write few of the most requested posts and one or two of those I wanted to write for a long time now.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Lepo je videti malo drugačno zimsko manikuro in ker sem trenutno tudi sama v iskanju nude odtenkov je tale celoten izgled fantastičen (si moram Goldfinger še enkrat od sestre izposodit :wink: )
Fouš za sestro, jaz si od brata lahko sposodim samo kakšno orodje. :biggrin:
No tudi to je dobro, pa kakšno gumo zna najbrž tudi zamenjat, a ne? :wink:
decentno i svečano, sviđa mi se :love:
Thx. :ahug:
Srečno novo leto, drage moje Parokeetke! :ahug: Gejba, upam, da je koleno že bolje!! In tudi jaz držim pesti, da bo 2013 boljše leto kot 2012. Manikura sicer ni po mojem okusu, vendar verjamem, da je v živo zgledala bolj igriva. In tudi sama sem se v tem letu spoprijateljila s kar nekaj nevtralnimi odtenki, tako da jih imam nasploh zdaj čisto rada. :yes: :wink:
Hvala, Ulmiel in srečnega in zdravega tudi tebi. :ahug:
Se počasi cajta, ampak še nisem tam.
Kateri se ti je najbolj vsedel v srce? Iščem toplejše odtenke, ker so očitno po mojem okusu le bolj hladni, toplih mi pa zeeeelo primanjkuje.
I like it! Sometimes we have to try new stuff, right? :)
Happy new year and I hope your knee gets better!
Definitively – especially when entering new year. :silly:
Happy New Year to you too. :ahug:
men je všeč
sretna vam nova, nije puno proslo pa valjda nije veliko zakasnjenje :silly: a manikura, puno bi mi bolje pasala da nema visible nail line, ali takve su te nijanse
Sretna 2013 i tebi! :happy:
Iskreno rečeno nisam željela stavljati 3 sloja, pošto je to onda već previše umjetno mojim dragim “natural” prijateljicama. :biggrin:
Beautiful! So subtle and elegant.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, Atqa! :ahug:
nežna a zelo lepa :wub:
Thx, katiee. :rose:
Srečno novo leto vsem Parokeetkam! :rose:
Luštna manikura, čeprav ponavadi ne posegam za nude odtenki :blush:
Hvala, Nuša … kar v imenu vseh Parokeetk. :ahug:
Jaz se trudim poseči v neznano in neraziskano področje. :haha:
Moram priznati, da prav lepo izgleda, čeprav take manikure niso zame. :wink:
Aja, pa skoraj bi pozabila, srečno in uspešno novo leto vsem Parokeetkam. :rose:
Hvala, Taya! Srečno in zdravo 2013 tudi tebi.
Baš ti je nežan i diskretan manikir.
Srećna Nova godina. Nadam se da će ti se koleno brzo oporaviti.
Srećno 2013 i tebi Vedrana! :happy:
I ja se nadam, pošto sam već dosadna samoj sebi. :silly: