Comparison: Essence Waking Up In Vegas, Inglot 205, Gosh Rainbow

I have 2 flakies in my collection that I wanted to compare to Essence Waking Up in Vegas – Inglot 205 and Gosh Rainbow.

First I applied two coats of Essence Berlin Story nail polish, to get the deepest black color and then added one thick coat of flakie polish.

Comparison: Essence Waking Up In Vegas, Inglot 205, Gosh Rainbow swatch
Comparison: Essence Waking Up In Vegas, Inglot 205, Gosh Rainbow

As you can see Inglot 205 is not similar – it has blue flashes that other two do not have and has almost no orange tones.

Essence Waking Up In Vegas and Gosh Rainbow are on the other hand almost identical. So if you missed out on Gosh Rainbow or you want a back up … go for it. Not to mention that Essence is a lot cheaper.

Video of all three flakies:

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25 thoughts on “Comparison: Essence Waking Up In Vegas, Inglot 205, Gosh Rainbow”

  1. Meni pa nekako zelene krpice niso všeč in me zanima če obstajajo še kakšne druge barve (od drugih znamk) ali znajo narediti samo zelene? :undecided:

  2. gosh je skoraj identičen tudi nfu.oh 38, ki ga imam sama. Tako da so to že trije. Mam pa tudi 39ko, ki pa me spominja na tega inglota. Če ima katera oboje, pa lahko to potrdi?

  3. Mene je Waking Up in Vegas čisto zadovoljil ko pride do krpic, zaradi njega črtam s seznama Rainbow, Sally Hansen krpice in Nubar 2010. Vseeno imam raje krpice v stilu Nfu Oh, ki imajo tudi obarvano osnovno barvo. :)

    • Jope – je celo morje podobnih flakijev … pa kakšen Golden Rose in Nfu-Oh se tudi ziher najde.
      Joj – jaz potrebujem še kak Nfu-Oh. :nails:

  4. :love: srecom sam jedna od onih koja se nasla u pravo vrijeme na pravom mjestu, a ovaj Inglot 205 sam probavala jednom davno i da nije cijene vec bi ga odavno kupila, ali bit ce i to jednom :sigh:

  5. Super primerjava. Zanimivo da ima Inglot najmanj viden duochrome efekt. Se pa pomoje ga vseeno splača imeti sploh za kombiniranje z zelenimi in modrimi laki, kjer ne želimo kakšnih rjasto-oranžnih barv..

  6. I love the comparison, but I think Inglot 202 is a dupe for these two :)
    Too bad essence one is sold-out everywhere, I would love to get one for frankens :(

  7. 205 is very beautiful too. I like it!
    I agree about the other two. I would have loved to get a back up of Waking Up in Vegas, but the display was sold out after like 3 days here :ermm:


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