Autumn in mountains

By Mamy

Fall is my favorite season. Even when valley is filled with fog, slopes are bathing in sun rays.

No – this isn’t one of the islands in Mediterranean see – this is view of Ljubljana basin.

Morje megle

I love you mountains!

Julijske Alpe

For the end Alessandro Hypnotic I already showed you before. I still love it and wear it.

Alessandro Hypnotic

Have a lovely fall!

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

12 thoughts on “Autumn in mountains”

  1. Oooh, prelepo!! Tvoje fotke so zmeraj tako božanske! Jaz tudi obožujem jesen, mislim, da lahko z lahkoto rečem da je moj najljubši letni čas, sploh če mi uspe uiti Ljubljani za kak dan, njen smog malce ubije čarobnost.


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