They chose the right name for this polish – Hypnotic! Look how many different “faces” does this polish have.
Alessandro: Hypnotic
It didn’t look all that special sitting there on the stand – brown gray shade … and I have quite a few of those already. But then I looked at it at different angle and what do I see – purple.
Turn it a little bit and it looks quite different. Interestingly enough, shimmer almost disappeared in the bellow “sun” photo.
Application is easy, brush excellent, it needs two coats for perfect coverage.
Hypnotic is part of winter LE. I was pleasantly surprised. You?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Sem ga šele prekratkim kupila v Maxiju…ni mi žal. Noro huda barva je. :thumb: One of my favorites..
nor lak..sem ga že gledla pa se potem nisem odločila za njega.škoda :cry:
Malo liči na Chanel Particuliere ili mi se čini? :) :wub:
Imam tega ter Barry M Dusky Muave (ki ste meni skoraj dupe) in ju imam kar veliko v uporabi…
It looks really beautiful! Love that it changes its color. :)
Gorgeous color!!
Umm, looks like another Paradoxal dupe. Lord, I need one.
Gorgeous color, I’d love to get my hands on that one!
Prečudovit odtenek. :wub: Jaz sem mojega upokojila do jeseni, ker mi nikakor ni všeč na sončku.
Hm, nimam nobenega od naštetih, tako da žal ne morem primerjati. :nervous:
Hvala, nail crazy! :rose:
I can’t compare because I do’t have any one of these. :hmm:
prekrasan je :stars:
zar nije nalik paradoxalu?
any dupes in barry m mushroom, chanel paradoxal, or revlon perplex?
Barry M Dusky Mauve comes very close: