One of the requests you had in the survey was for us to fill out the Gallery. Unfortunately this is a slow process so it will be quite a while before we manage to make galleries for all of the brands.
We would like to know which brand(s) would you like to see next in the Gallery? Since we’re very busy, we’ll have to make some kind of priority list.
P.S. We already added two things you missed on our blog: Continue Reading link in excerpts; maintaining the chosen language when clicking on page 2 …
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Galerija je predobra ideja!
Več je previše fotografija, pa ih moramo nekako urediti. :biggrin:
Wau! Res izgleda fantastično! :stars: :stars: :stars:
Hvala, Zabica. :rose:
samo sam preletila preko galerije, cure ovo je fenomenalno :stars:
jedva čekam da je nadopunite :nails:
Hvala. :rose:
Imaš kakvu želju šta neka prvo dopunimo? :cute: