Lucy brought me gorgeous mini polish from Germany, that has douchrome flakies.
Since Glam Nails Larissa shade is quite watery, I decided to layer it over darker base. But I just could not decide which one to use. So I ended up with skittles manicure.
I used following polishes: Rival De Loop – Purple Rain; H&M – Purple (no. 432); No 7 – Damson Dream; Flormar 323; Essence – Thelma; Glam Nails – Larissa.
This is skittles manicure without the flakies (polishes are in the same order as on the first photo).

I had help in the form of a flower from H&M.

Next I used two layers of Glam Nails Larissa polish, but I still didn’t manage to get even coverage. They say practice makes perfect – so I’ll just have to practice more.
Larissa consists of violet base with douchrome flakies and shimmer suspended in it. Flakies actually remind me quite a lot of Gosh Rainbow ones.

The final results:

So,which base do you like the most?
P.S. Almost everything is ready for our next giveaway. After we hit 300 Google Friend Connect followers, one lucky reader will be given an opportunity to win a huge amount of make-up goodies.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Meni je flakie všeč na vampy odtenkih. :thumb: Super macro fotka. :stars:
.-= Maestra´s last post … Hot Neon NOTD: Orly – Orange Punch =-.
Macro sem pa naredila samo zate. :wink:
:party: :rose:
.-= Maestra´s last post … Hot Neon NOTD: Orly – Orange Punch =-.
Lovely! I love the base on your pinky, thumb and index! The pinky is a real surprise. I didn’t thought this base would look that nice!
.-= Annigje´s last post … Contest Look: Parfumflesjes =-.
That one surprised me too. :nails:
Podsjeća me na Nubar #51 (ako se ne varam). Baš lijepo izgleda :)
Moram pogledati kako izgleda taj Nubar. :w00t:
Lucy just told me that she bought Glam Nails polish in Muller, but she doesn’t think all Mullers carry this line.
Skittles manikura, hvala za navdih. :angel:
Še kdaj drugič. :biggrin:
gdje ima za kupiti larisse? :nails:
Nažalost znam samo to, da Glam Nails lakove prodaju u Njemačkoj. :hmm:
those are great!! :wub:
Aren’t they cute? :love:
Zdi se mi, da se z lakcem H&M Larissanajmanj ulovi, kaj pa vem. Najbolj se pa razumeta z Damson Dream, če bi jih jaz morala poparčkati :wink:
+ tam sem najtežje razporedila flakije, pa dobiš res ne najbolj posrečeno kombinacijo. :blush:
I like the flakies on all the bases, it’s definitly something that can be layered on everything. But since I’m kind of digging the vampies lately, I’d choose a full mani with No 7 Damson Dream!
That is one of my favorite combinations too. :nails: