Few days ago Google announced that Google Reader is retiring as of 1st of July 2013. As this is one of the more popular readers, it caused mass exodus from Google to other services.
In beauty blogger community one important question popped out – how will this effect GFC (Google Friend Connect). As far as I know, there is no official word yet and you would expect it to be if GFC is also closing down. I think you are probably safe – at least until the next cleaning time.
I wrote about alternative ways to follow us (with photo guides) when Google shut down GFC for non-Blogger blogs.
So this time here is short list of the alternatives (click on the name of the service to visit it):
- Bloglovin’
- Google+
- NetworkedBlogs
- other RSS readers
I transfered my feed today on Bloglovin’. If that doesn’t work well, I’ll try out Feedly.
Which service did you pick as Google Reader replacement?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
zaenkrat imam izbran Feedly
Mah, če ga bodo res ukinili jih bo veliko ljudi preklelo, vključno z mano
GFC? Bi me presenetilo, če bi ga še zelo dolgo vzdrževali. Google ima politiko – če ne prinaša zadosti denarja, ga odrežite. :sigh:
Ja srecom vec godinama koristim Bloglovin’ za citanje pa se sad ne moram zezat s ovim prebacivanjem :yes:
Ja sam pratila samo dio blogova sa Bloglovin, ali polako ću vjerojatno sve prebaciti tamo. :think: