Project mascara: Introduction by Gejba

Project foundation turned out to be ongoing series, so we would be waiting for a long time to start new one if we waited for the first one to end.
Mascaras are another beauty product group that could use little bit more in-depth review so Project mascara was born.

Sensitive eyes

I have very sensitive eyes, which means that non-irritant mascara is my first goal. It doesn’t matter if everything else is wonderful if I get puffy eyes, heavy eyelids … Because of my sensitivities, I use mascara for approximately 3 months and then throw it away. Some can last up to 5 months, but those are more exception to the rule. At any given time I have at least 3 different mascaras in circulation so if you add that to short usage time, you get main reason I don’t buy very expensive mascaras.


My eyelashes are long enough, so what I’m primarily looking is thickness/volume. As I have dark brown eyelashes I’m not picky about color itself, the only thing I expect are dyed lighter tips of eyelashes.
The real “problem” is that I have hooded eyelid and straight eyelashes which tend to drop down. Chemical eyelash curling scares me to death, which means eye-curler is a must have and so would be curly holding/making mascara if those would not be one of the major irritants for me.

Here is spooky photo of my bare eyelashes … and pretty much everything else if you don’t count the foundation to cover up most of the redness.

Project mascara - bare eyelashes by Gejba
Project mascara - bare eyelashes by Gejba


  • no spider/clumpy lashes
  • no panda effect
  • no irritations
  • noticeable volume
  • curl effect is plus
  • don’t really care about the brush type as long as it gives me the effect I’m looking for

Once again Bourjois is the brand I most often go to if I’m in the mood to experiment. I rarely have problems with their products, so they’re my first stop if I’m shopping for foundation or mascara. So far I had non-irritation problems with Essence and Catrice mascaras + they’re not really expensive so I didn’t spend a lot of money in case I dislike the effect.

I wished to start off the series with 2 of my favorite mascaras – Bourjois Ultra Curl and Volumizer, but they are being discontinued. I was speechless for a minute there when I read email from our importer. What?!? Those are my favorite mascaras. They sent me two of the new ones for testing and now I have opposite problem – I adore Beauty’ Full Volume and don’t really feel the need for other mascaras. Luckily for this series, I have less than 2 months of usage time left. :D

I probably won’t write about all the mascaras in the photo, but I hope to review at least some of them.

Project mascara - mascaras in testing by Gejba
Project mascara - mascaras in testing by Gejba
Which mascara characteristics are the most important for you? Something we really should not skip?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

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6 thoughts on “Project mascara: Introduction by Gejba”

  1. Oh, maskare … ravno danes sem kupila novo, Revlon Double Twist, ki jo umikajo iz prodaje (vsaj na naših policah) in je bila zato smešno poceni, pa se ji nisem mogla upreti. Morda trapasto, glede na to, da je ne bo več za dobiti, ampak vsaj nekaj mesecev dobre maskare sem si kupila, če mi bo všeč. :wink: Ob teh prispevkih bi te prosila, če morda nameniš kakšno besedo tudi vihalcu trepalnic. Meni se zdi ta pošast prav srhljiva, ampak glede na moje ščetine bi bilo najbrž najpametneje, da si ga nabavim. Imam namreč precej kratke trepalnice, ki se nočejo vihati. :bljak:
    Se vsekakor podpišem pod tvoj kriterij, tudi mene to najbolj zanima, sploh volumen in vihanje trepalnic. In kar me trenutno najbolj bega – čeprav naravnost obožujem Bourjois, nisem njihovih maskar še nikdar poskusila. :shock: Tako da z veseljem pričakujem poročilo. :yes: Do takrat pa upam, da se bo Revlonova maskara bolje obnesla kot tista katastrofa od MUA. :roll: Sama sreča, da sem jo kupila na razprodaji.

    • Sem slišala, da od Revlonovih dobra tista grow something maskara. Jo imam na WL. :angel:

      Bom napisala tudi kakšen post o vihalcu. Moj trenutni ni idealen, ker nimam več gumic za zamenjat, pa še oblika ni prava zame. Vendar je vseeno boljše slab vihalec kot nobeden, če imaš takšne smotane trepalnice kot jaz. :sigh:

  2. Uh maskare, e to je nesto gdje bi voljela nac holy grail proizvod, ali nikako da ga nadjem tako da svaki put kupim neku drugu, nadam se da cu jednom pronac onu pravu :sigh:

  3. Your test mascaras include one of the greatest mascara flops I ever had the displeasure to use and also my current everyday mascara. I’m looking forward to see what you make of them!

    And since my lashes are actually very similar to yours, including the hooded eyelid, I’ll be very interested in your overal results!


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