Maybelline Color Tattoo swatches

I love it when weather is sunny and warm so I can go outside and take swatches without fussing about color correction … Warning may be in place – you’ll be seeing more makeup swatches as I have to take advantage of great weather we’re having. :D And as soon as my nails get back in order I plan to swatch some of my glitter/shimmer/holo nail polishes.

Today I took some time off to swatch Maybelline Color Tattoo 24hr cream eyeshadows. Maestra bought me 2 last year in USA, I got one in neighboring Austria and as we finally have them in Slovenia, I picked last two in my own country.

Maybelline Color Tattoo eyeshadows
Maybelline Color Tattoo eyeshadows

I have only one matte shade. It’s called Tough as Taupe (USA shade that looks almost identical to European Permanent Taupe) and leans more to the cooler brown tones. Great color for shading eyes (and face), but it does not have as long staying power as shimmery ones nor does it work quite as well as secondary eyeshadow base. But I still love it and wish I had more of matte ones. Because even shorter staying power is better than with most of other secondary bases and I love using it under my powdery matte eyeshadows. 

Maybelline Color Tattoo eyeshadow swatches (shade)
Maybelline Color Tattoo eyeshadow swatches (shade)

On and On Bronze in one of my darlings and most used color. Works great as base (secondary on extra oily eyelids, but can be used on it’s own on other types of skin). Bronze color looks nice with my skin tone and works wonders for those with lighter eye shades. If there is neutral bronze shade, than this is close to it, as looks lovely on my friends with cooler skin color as it does on me.

As in On and On Bronze, Pink Gold and Infinite White also have almost satin like finish. I prefer Pink Gold of the two as it look more natural on me. It works great as a base – I especially like it under pink, peach and brownish eyeshadows. Infinite White can be blended into nice sheer shade for highlighting brow bone or little bit bolder white for inner eye corners. But I don’t use it as much as pink or bronze shade.

Maybelline Color Tattoo eyeshadow swatches (sun)
Maybelline Color Tattoo eyeshadow swatches (sun)

Pomegranate Punk (USA shade) is lovely dark purple-brown shade with gold(?) shimmer to it. Color it self if really pretty and makes eyeshadows pop, but I just don’t use it as much as other shades.

Video review of the first 3 shades I owned:

Price in Slovenia: 4,95 EUR.

I sincerely wish they came out with more champagne satin like shades in their regular line and not just LE for USA market. I mean really, how many of you would say no to that kind of super useful shade?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

21 thoughts on “Maybelline Color Tattoo swatches”

  1. Prvi, ki sem ga kupila že zelo dolgo nazaj, me je popolnoma razočaral – mat taupe odtenek. Bljak … težko se ga razmaže, ne drsi po koži lepo, ampak jo kar malo vleče, težko ga je enakomerno razmazati … v glavnem popolno razočaranje zame. Tako nisem mogla verjeti navdušenja nad njimi pri vseh ostalih (no, za točno ta odtenek še zmeraj ne razumem navdušenja, ker je grozen). Ko sem se dokopala do testerjev in sem jih vse prezikusila, sem ugotovila, da so šimrasti / metalik čisto drugačni, tako sem nabavila rozkastega (bronz ni bilo na zalogi). Nad tem sem pa resnično navdušena in ga od nakupa uporabljam vsak dan ali kot bazo ali kot samostojno senčilo. In res zdrži ves dan. Tudi bronze odtenek je namo ji WL.

    • Bronastega ti iz dna srca priporočam – barva, finiš, nanos, vse je 1A. :thumb:
      Moram pa priznati, da jaz s svojim Tough as taupe nimam težav z nanašanjem. Tudi posušil se mi ni in je še vedno tako OK, kot takrat, ko si mi ga prinesla. :rose:

  2. the ones in non-black lid. are those only available in your country?? I also have Pomegranate Punk and some shade you might like :) check it out here:

  3. Jaz imam zdaj v lasti belega, črnega, on and on bronze, tistega, ki je podoben Pomgerenate Punk pa še vijoličnega. Imena mi sploh ne gredo v uho, tako da jih samo po barvah ločim. Zaenkrat sem uporabila vijoličnega in belega in sta oba krasna, sem navdušena nad njimi kot sekundarnimi bazami. Beli je odlična podlaga za močne barve, končno sem lahko naredila MU v Tequila Sunrise odtenkih, tako da je tudi rumena prišla do izraza. :D V glavnem, super so, malo me še turkizen mika. Pa upam, da dobimo še kak odtenek. :yes:

  4. Imam Taupe pa kljub bazi spodaj ne zdrži prav dolgo na mojih mastnih vekah (Essence Stay all day so bile veliko obstojnejše).

      • To je zame preveč zamudno :), potem za vsakodnevni make-up raje uporabim samo dobro senčko. Zadnje 2 leti sem zmanjšala svoj arzenal kozmetike samo na tiste stvari ki jih vsakodnevno uporabljam in ki izpolnjujejo eno mojih glavnih meril – obstojnost, vse ostalo sem podarila prijateljicam (so bile vesele :) )

        • Na žalost ne obstaja senčka, ki bi pri meni zdržala brez dveh baz. Imam res zelo, zelo mastne veke, tako da gre vse v gubo ali pa zbledi. :sigh:

    • Če prav razumem, ne daš čez nobene senčke v kamnu/prahu? Na tak način meni mogoče zdržijo samo Gosh stick senčke in nič drugega … pa še tam je baza skoraj nujna. :sigh:

  5. I’m confused now.. I own permanent taupe and it looks pretty much the same as tough as taupe! does that mean it’s the same but different name? :ermm:
    (And I need ALL of them, of course :wub: )


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