Currently I’m not in the group of nail polish lovers who can stand to have manicure more than few days on, but in the last year or so I got many questions about semi-permanent starter kits in our drugstores that I had to share the cliff notes about the latest newcomer – Alessandro Striplac. Well – not really the same thing, but something in the same family of products.

Let’s start from the beginning – what do you get in Alessandro Striplac starter kit:
- UV/LED light
- 1x Peel Off nail polish in “Classic Red”
- 1x Peel Off base and top coat
- 1x cleansing pads
- 1x 4 multifunction file
- 1 x cuticle pusher
How does Striplac work? Base and top coat are pretty self explanatory, but I personally was curious about the rest of procedure (bare in mind I never had close contact with any kind of gel or semi-permanent nail polish just heard about tons of layers). In essence you just apply color nail polish just as you would apply and other regular nail polish and put it under UV/LED lamp for 60 seconds.
The coolest part is removal – you peel it off! This is the part where I paused. If this thing really lasts on your nails for 10 day in perfect shape, does not damage your nails, is biodegradable and you can just peel it off when you get bored with it, then it might be worth investing in. I know 10 days is way to long time for me to have one color on my nails, but at the same time I envision months in near future that I’ll be so busy I won’t even have time to put manicure on. So something that lasts week or so could be interesting addition to my collection.
Color nail polishes are not cheap, but they do come in 24 different colors which means everybody can find something for themselves.
I don’t know about your countries, but in Slovenia, we’ll be having presentation of Striplac on 23rd of May. If time and health permit, I plan to go see this wonder and judge for myself if this is something appropriate for me. 100 EUR investment is not really small, so it’s great that you can see for yourself if you and your nails like the product.
Has anybody by any chance tried out this set? If not – what are your thoughts about Alessandro Striplac?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Hej. Jaz imam striplac že od noooro dober..predvsem mi je vsec ker Je sam nanos malce debelejši in lahko bolj suvereno delaš karkoli..vsec mi je tudi ker se ne lomijo nohti in so tudi po koncu manikure neposkodovani…sicer pa mi lak zdrži tudi po en pomoje tudi vec ampak sem kar malo obsedena z menjanjem barv..tako da ponavadi ze po treh dneh odstranim..tudi sama cena me ne moti..barvni laki niso dragi ..saj so uporabni dolgo casa…sama nAjvec denarja zapravim za gobice saj je brez njih lak manj sijoc in po koncu manikure precej lepljiv…in jih zelo hitro porabim.. no pa tudi twin coat je hitro porabljiv…skratka izdelek je vreden potreb o drugih lahkov samo striplac in to je to.. :) meni je všeč
Zanimivo, zanimivo … cena ni ravno od muh :think: tudi mene zanima obstojnost in ali se dejansko lepo odlepi, brez poškodb nohtne površine. :nails:
Se sliši zanimivo, samo pri ceni 100€ sem pa kar ostrmela :w00t:
Za to možnost da se samo dol odlepi pa še nism slišala – glede na sistem pa malo dvomim o obstojnosti. Jaz že nekaj časa uporabljam soak off manikure na katerih tudi navaden lak zdrži veliko dalj kot na mojih naravnih nohtih, tako da si, če si zaželim spremembo barve, enostavno nalakiram z enim od navadnih lakov, ki jih imam doma (in potem odstranim z acetonom).
100 eur res ni malo denarja tako da je bolje prej preizkusiti kako deluje. Jaz se za domačo uporabo soak off gelov še nisem odločila vendar pa vedno bolj razmišljam o tem (manikura v salonih ni ravno poceni :ermm: ).
Mislim, da so prvi s tem sistemom. Jaz za 1x nisem skeptična, ker mi tudi manikura čez Essence Peel Off podlak zelo dolgo zdrži. :think:
A soak off so tiste vmesne zadevice, kjer ni potrebno pilit nohta do onemoglosti in jih lahko odstraniš s foil metodo?
Ja, pri soak off ti odstrani lak z acetonom (nanese aceton na vatke da na del nohta na katerem je manikura ter ovije prste v folijo – manikura odstopi in jo potem samo nežno dol postrga). Pa tudi izgled nohta je normalen s tako manikuro – kot da bi imel samo nalakirane nohte. Jaz si ponavadi dam samo mlečen odtenek zato ker si čez lakiram s svojimi laki.