Finally it happened! Illamasqua is now sold in Slovenia! It is available in drugstores called Muller. I am sure you are all familiar with the brand and the amazing works of Alex Box. The brand was introduced to the Slovenian market today at a lovely location and here are some photos I took …
We have been writing about Illamasqua’s products a lot in the past. There are a lot of reviews and swatches available on our blog. We also (re)created some make up looks inspired by Alex Box’s works. Here are some of my creations …

For me Illamasqua is one of my favorite make up brands. I am always impressed by the PR photos of the limited editions and the brilliantly creative team of people working their magic and creating wonderful editorials. In the collection there are a lot of unusual shades and finishes. Illamasqua is the result of a partnership with Kryolan, a brand which produces make up for theatre, film and television for over 60 years. Illamasqua is a brand with high quality products, that are meant for “everyday people”, that are not afraid to show their “alter egos”.
Some of my favorite Illamasqua products: matte lipsticks (very pigmented and long lasting), cream blushes (I like the finish which is suitable for dry skin), powder blushes (very pigmented in great selection of colors), precision ink (long lasting eye liner with great aplikator).
Products that are on my wish list at the moment: Gleam in the shade Supernatural, powder blush in the shade Morale, cream pigment in the shade Androgen, lipstick in the shade Eurydice.
To finish this article I have some short videos with swatches of some Illamasqua products.
More articles about Illamasqua:
Illamasqua on Parokeets
Official web site:
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Moja denarnica sicer joče, vendar ji ne morem prav nič pomagat … WL je le daljši in daljši … :biggrin:
Bo treba nujno še eno službo najti, da si bom lahko privoščila vse iz ‘wish liste’ :yes:
ne mogu vjerovat da smo mi u hrvatskoj dobili nešto prije vas… obićno debelo kaskamo :thumb:
vau.. impresivno. Ampak zihr fuuul drago :S
Cene so čisto Illamasquaovske. Krem pigmenti 22,65eur, šminke 21,29eur, gleam 23,95eur … Nič ni ravno poceni. :S
I hope its coming to Austrian Müller Stores too :)
Fingers crossed!
yup, včeraj sem opazila stojalo, in mi je takoj slabo ratal. boga moja denarnica!
O ja, denarnico bo vsekakor trepela. :shock:
So lucky! We only have Illamasqua available at Sephora in the USA, and even then it is a limited selection. So jealous!
Hehehe, and we are jealous of you for all the other brands you have and we don’t have them here (like Make Up Forever, Too Faced, UD, MAC, …)
Omajgad za dol past! :stars: Illamasqua v Sloveniji, končno!! Sumim, da bo gotovo šlo kaj z mano, ampak res moram pa ASAP pregledat vsaj stojalo. :wub:
Stojalo je luštno :wub: Sploh sedaj na začetku, ko je še vse tako lepo urejeno in čisto. :wub:
wat for nail polish are you wearing in that video like it
If I’m not mistaken I have Illamasqua Baptiste (dark purple) on some nails and Illamasqua Phallic (dark blue) on others. Swatches here: