SpaRitual Liquid Gold was one of the first nail polishes I bought and wore after I recovered from whole pregnancy/birth experience. Period when I was choosing nail polishes that I could wear for a week and not have very visible damage … and come to think of it, I’m still in that period. So quality nail polishes in not so dark colors, if possible with glitter. :D

Application was done with the speed of light, so please ignore uneven curves … But the ease of applying this polish was one of those “wow” moments. I used 2 coats one right after another without any problems and you know what was even better? After 8 days chipping was really minimal and hard to notice. Definitively goes on my “use when in a hurry” list.
I am kind of struggling if this shade belongs into foil finish section or not, but as it does look more foil than shimmer … copperish-gold nail polish with foil finish it is.

Of course I bought mini … I just could not resist that cute and easy to store bottle.
Price: 6,65 EUR for 5ml (0.17 fl.oz.)
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
so pretty! I guess your baby will also love your colorful nails :) :yes:
She loves dark lips better … or at least laughs at them. :biggrin:
Lijepa zlatna nijansa :D :wub:
Slažem se – nije previše žuta. :nails:
Tole je pa zelo lepa, “nosljiva” zlata barva. :nails:
Definitivno! Me je kar presenetilo kako lepo se je podala k večini barv, ki sem jih nosila tisti tedn. :thumb:
Odličen, edino cena se mi zdi kar visoka…
Pri njih plačaš filozofijo in kvaliteto, tako da se mi niti ne zdi tako hudo. Dat 22 EUR za lak, ki se ti še isti dan začne krušit, je pa barbarsko. :biggrin:
O ta review je pa prišel ravno prav, sem ravno razmišljala, da moram preveriti njihove podlake :) x
Si će katerega sprobala? Mene tudi mika nekaj njihovih tretmajev.
čudovita barva :)) tudi sama si morm omislit še kak zlat odtenek :)
Po izkušnji s tem – res ga potrebuješ. :biggrin: