Nuxe – Reve de Miel lip balm

Nuxe Reve de Miel lip balm is one of THE lip balms out there. At least that’s what A LOT of beauty gurus say. Since I had very dry lips during this winter I had to try this miracle worker myself. This is how it looks like.

Nuxe Reve de Miel lip balm
Nuxe Reve de Miel lip balm

It comes in a jar, which isn’t the most hygienic or practical thing. The consistency is very thick (so putting it in a jar is very logical :) ), but creamy and not hard at all. It is easy to apply. It is very nourishing and stays on the lips for hours. It looks matte on the lips. The texture is not sticky, but not slippery either. Although a lot of people use it only during the night, I use it during the day and I think it is excellent. The scent is very pleasant, light citrusy with a touch of honey. The honey scent isn’t overpowering at all, because I do not like the scent of honey. The scent of this lip balm is fresh.

Nuxe Reve de Miel lip balm
Nuxe Reve de Miel lip balm

It is not the cheapest lip balm, but is definitely one of the best I have tried. It protects my lips during very cold and windy days. Nuxe Reve de Miel lip balm gets a huge thumbs up from me. I highly recommend it.

Have you tried this brilliant lip balm yet?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

6 thoughts on “Nuxe – Reve de Miel lip balm”

  1. O, tale objava se mi je pa izmuznila. Toliko dobrega slišim o tem balzamu, da me res mika ga nekoč preizkusit. Vendar k sreči nimam pretiranih težav s suhimi ustnicami, tako da mi običajno dostopni balzami kar ustrezajo, pa tako nimam “izgovora” investirati v nekaj tako dragega. Mogoče enkrat, za darilo. :)

  2. Zdaj pa dost heca – naslednjič definitivno kupim tale čudežni lonček. Po več kot letu odločanja, bi bil pa res skrajni čas. :biggrin:

  3. Sem ga kupila na začetku zime in moram povedati, da je dejansko res najboljši balzam kar sem ga imela. Uporabljam ga skozi cel dan in imam super ustnice. Drugače imam ogromne probleme z ustnicami ker so kr polne in potrebujejo ogromno nege :smell:

  4. Sem ga kupila nekaj let nazaj (takoj ko se je pojavil na trgu), pa se mi ne zdi nič posebnega. Sicer hranilen vendar zame premalo vlažilen. Pa zelo me moti da moram s prsti packat po lončku. Meni je zelo všeč Eucerin Lip aktiv v stiku ter Labello Repair & Beauty (in to je tudi edini Labello ki mi je všeč) – ta dva sta se pri meni izkazala za najbolj učinkovita pa še cenovno sta dostopna.

  5. Jaz se pa ravno odločam za nakup in me je tvoja objava dodobra repričala. Res rabim nekaj, kar bo moje suhe in razpokane ustnice dovolj nahranilo in jih spravilo v red. :thumb:


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