L’Oreal Oyster Bay nail polish (855)

What do you do after you resolve jet another boring and long lasting bureaucratic hurdle? You visit drugstore just around the corner and buy yourself something pretty of course. :D I won’t even go into details what did I buy, but I will say that quite a few of the bought nail polishes are gift for my friends. I think you’ll agree with me that it would be very cruel if I just bought them nail polishes and got nothing for myself.

Among my purchase was also beige nail polish. You heard me right, I bought nude polish. Saw it with corner of my eye, fell in love and rest was history. L’Oreal Oyster Bay looked like perfect nude shade for me, so I really had no reason to hesitate.

L'Oreal Oyster Bay lak za nohte - steklenička
L’Oreal Oyster Bay nail polish – bottle (855)

This is pretty neutral shade in color of white coffee … with lots of milk. Base itself leans more to cool side, while tiny gold shimmer pull more toward warm specter. Great balance of colors and pretty much what I was looking for. Application was not hard, but streaks are still seen so it was not perfect. I used classical technique: base coat, 2 coats of polish, top coat.

L'Oreal Oyster Bay lak za nohte (855)
L’Oreal Oyster Bay nail polish swatch (855)

Quantity: 5ml

Staying power is pretty individual thing, but I will say that this shade lasted 3 days without significant damage, then started to chip on more vulnerable nails and was not appropriate for public on day 5. So pretty average drugstore nail polish.

Problem is, I now want to have few of the other nail polishes from this collection. Is there any shade that I really have to have?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

3 thoughts on “L’Oreal Oyster Bay nail polish (855)”

  1. Taki odtenki so meni zelo všeč vendar si ravno zaradi problematičnega nanašanja nobenega ne privoščim. Imam koralnega od Loreala – lepa barva samo mi nekako čudno reagira z Seche Vite nadlakom saj se mi lak spodaj skrči in se mi takoj nakaže ”tip wear”.

  2. Uh, sploh mi ne govori o tem crkljanju… pri meni se to nikoli ne konča dobro (saj grem samo malo pogeldat v Mullerja – mhm, pa gre 50 €). :)

    Drugače pa tale odtenek izgleda super, samo za moj okus je malo preveč ‘prozoren’ – to sta dva sloja nanešena?


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