Essence Come To Town nail polish sets

Essence/Catrice hosted event for beauty bloggers a while ago and we had opportunity to pick 10 products to take home with us (I’ll translate post about what we received for testing next week). As you can see I was really charmed by these 2 sets from Essence Come To Town as I sacrificed 2 lots for them.

But they’re really cute and thought gift. Pack of three 6ml nail polishes – 2 base colors and one glitter topper. Best part? You can dedicate it to the person you’re giving it to. Small gift of appreciation that doesn’t cost much. I loved it!

Essence Come to town LE sets

Essence Come to town LE sets detail

Essence Come To Town – 01 Naughty or Nice?

Naughty or Nice? is warm-toned trio. Deep purple nail polish and slightly pinkish one as base/primary colors + gold top coat. I did like both of them, but topper is the one that is a winner for me. Great base that holds glitter well so it is easy to spread evenly all over the nail. I would say all three nail polishes have satisfactory formula which is easy to work with. They only lose point for upstanding coverage.


Essence Naughty or nice (Come to town LE) burgundy swatch
Essence Naughty or nice (Come to town LE) burgundy swatch



Essence Naughty or nice (Come to town LE) burgundy, gold top coat 630
Essence Naughty or nice (Come to town LE) burgundy, gold top coat



Essence Naughty or nice (Come to town LE) pinkish red, gold top coat
Essence Naughty or nice (Come to town LE) red, gold top coat



Essence Naughty or nice (Come to town LE) pinkish red swatch
Essence Naughty or nice (Come to town LE) pinkish red swatch


Essence Come To Town – 02 Got My List?

Got my List? is the cool-toned combination. Dark green and purple base polishes with silver topper. For some reason, I don’t “feel” this silver glitter top coat. It lacks that little something. But dark green nail polish is really beautiful. Formula is possibly even little bit better in set no. 2. No complaints really. And brush was OK too … but then again it is Catrice which tends to lack in that department, not Essence.


Essence Got my list (Come to town LE) green
Essence Got my list (Come to town LE) green



Essence Got my list (Come to town LE) green, silver top coat
Essence Got my list (Come to town LE) green, silver top coat



Essence Got my list (Come to town LE) pink, silver top coat
Essence Got my list (Come to town LE) pink, silver top coat



Essence Got my list (Come to town LE) pink
Essence Got my list (Come to town LE) pink nail polish


Price for individual set – 3,79 EUR.

Essence Come To Town is already available in Slovenian DM stores.

3 thoughts on “Essence Come To Town nail polish sets”

  1. Oh, the green one from the second set has really caught my eye. Very pretty shade. Not with that glitter, though. I think it might look better with the gold glitter from the first set.


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