A year ago I decided that face brush is a must. Flaking skin was driving me nuts and this seemed to be my last hope.
Which one: Clarisonic Mia 2 or Philips VisaPure
I tested majority of face brushes available in my vicinity (Slovenia, Austria …). If I spotted promotion or they had opened one to try out softness of the bristles, I was there. I forgot details, but if I remember correctly I was bothered with roughness that seemed to be common for all of the brushes. In summer time I narrowed my decision to Clarisonic Mia 2 or Philips VisaPure. Both are sold in Slovenia, both seem well made and thought out. In my opinion its matter of personal preference which one will you buy. Clarisonic has advantage of sonic technology – oscillation and not rotation like in Philips one, but I wasn’t completely won over on that fact alone. If I were buying today, I would check out Foreo Luna and lookalikes too.
In the end I chose Clarisonic Mia2 as they have THE softest brush available (cashmere one) and device itself sits the best in my hands. Clarisonic seemed to be more versatile in their brush choices than Philips even though their sensitive brushes feel almost identical. Philips has one advantage over Clarisonic – cheaper replacement brushes. 10-15 EUR versus almost 30 EUR for Clarisonic + you have more chance to buy on discount Philips Visapure than Clarisonic. Different chargers made no difference to me – I simply do not care about the way brush sits while charging. 2 times a month it can lay on the desk and recharge. If it were more often then I would probably think differently. Both can be used in the shower, so no difference there either.
Regular price is almost identical for both of them – around 150 EUR.
Clarisonic Mia 2 brush head for sensitive skin
I began my use with strict following of the instructions – 20 sec of forehead, 20 sec for nose and chin, 10 sec for each cheek. I started with once a day use. It was way too much for my very sensitive skin. Result of cleaning was great, but skin was really red and sensitive to the touch. Best frequency for my face is approximately 2 times a week.
I didn’t experience any breakouts on my face but I also skipped using their cleanser. If my skin reacted to it I wouldn’t know who is the culprit, so I just use my regular AOK gel. My pores would get better faster if I used Clarisonic more often, but I prefer slow and irritation free way.
I never had any issues with removing my make up, so I’m probably not the right one to judge about this side of face cleaning brushes. For majority of our faithful readers it will be probably enough if I say that I don’t have complains … that is very high praise coming from me. :D You’re suppose to change head every 3 months, but I won’t be using it regularly which means I’ll change it approximately 2 times a year. Once a week I’ll remove the brush and give it very thorough wash.
LUXE Cashmere brush is indeed a lot softer than sensitive brush. I could probably use this one once a day, but oddly enough this one DOES break me out. It seem as it doesn’t remove as much dead skin as sensitive one and kind of manages to clog my pores. It is not major issue, but I still prefer less frequent usage of sensitive brush over regular one of LUXE. I’ll give it another go next month as I’ll need something on everyday basis to thoroughly remove SPF creams.
Conclusion? I would probably repurchase Clarisonic if one of the sonic silicone thingies would not work out (I really have to try one of those out). Skin is looking better, pores are less visible, peeling is great … Price is not appealing, but I still think this is something worth investing in.
Which one would you buy – standard brush like Clarisonic or silicone one like Foreo?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
I want to try the smart one for body too
Kje pa se clarisonic mia 2 lahko kupi?
Jaz sem jo kupila v Mullerju.
Oh, sem pa prav upala da ti ne bo všeč in me bo minilo, zdaj pa zopet razmišljam o nakupu, čeprav mi je 150€ čisto preveč
Tudi jaz sem Mio (sicer enko) kupila decembra, uporabljam 20 dni in imam tak grozen izbruh mozoljev (tudi nammestih, kjer jih prej nisem imela, npr. ta “rob čeljusti”), da bom malo zmanjšala uporabo, morda na vsak 2. dan, samo se bojim, da bo potem vsaki 2. dan nov izbruh. ah ja :D
Hvala za oceno :rose: …bomo pač stisnili zobe in odšteli te evre… :whistle:
Jaz sem kupila eno od No7 (za poskusit, mislim da je bilo ene 10e) pa se mi zdi krtačka pregroba in bi zdaj rada poskusila tole od Braun zmanke ki je na voljo v dm za 45e, znižana z 90e… samo ne vem če bo dovolj mehka, ker če ne bo, potem bom samo stran vrgla denar…
Se jo ne da nikjer poizkusit? Jaz sem nekatere “pobožala” pri nas, druge v tujini, toliko da sem dobila vtis. A pri cenejših na žalost ni bilo ničesar primernega. Pa Sigmino sem tudi imela v rokah … tudi “kar nekaj”.
Hvala za super povzetek in oceno. Mi je zelo pomagalo pri odločitvi, sedaj samo še čakam če bo kakšna akcija…
Če bo, sporoči, da jo delim naprej … po temu, ko kupiš, seveda. :biggrin:
Jaz mam sicer samo Olaz ščetko, ampak sem zadovoljna z njo…verjetno pa ta ščetka ni primerna za občutljivo kožo, ker se vrti…ampak sama tud kljub dobrem čiščenju ličil takoj opazim na ščetki, da je ta rjava od pudra in vem, da mi fajn očisti kožo..pa še pore se mi zdijo manjše ob uporabi :) ..sicer ne opazim, če bi mi nardila “piling” kože..ker se mi nos trenutno lupi, ampak je to ful težko odstranit s ščetko, ker se ta suha koža precej drži nosa :D .. pa tud moja koža je malo bolj enakomerna, nima več takih “hribčkov” na površini od podkožnih situacij.
Clarisonic me še vedno mika, ampak mi je Olaz ščetka dovolj :)
Niti nisem prepričana ali je to vrtenje res toliko pomembno. Philipsovo imam v spominu kot nežno. Ampak trdota … tukaj pa pri občutljivcih res pogrnejo. Mogoče sonična doda še kakšen cukrček v vidu delovanja na preprečevanje mozoljev, ampak to je potem že bolj teorija kot praksa. :biggrin: