It’s been a while since I held Avon catalog. They completely surprised me with variety of finishes and all those colors to choose from. Where should I even start? I made a list of finishes and colors I found interesting and almost had a heart attack when Avon Slovenija sent me all 19 of them.
I’ll be swatching majority of them, but you can see overview on nail wheel to get better first impression (video is in Slovenian language on my Slovenian YT channel):
I deeply appreciate companies that make such a bold move even when I tell them that I’ll write exactly what I think about each nail polish. This kind of gesture deserves more, so be prepared to see lots of Avon nail polishes on my social media channels. Just little heads up so you don’t end up thinking I’m on their payroll.
I’ll start with Mineral Crush line and I’m leaving decision about the next one in your hands. So, what are your wishes?
* I received products for testing purposes
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Meni sta najlepša mint in vijoločen iz mineral crush linije in sicer tako zelo da sem ju že naročila :wink:
Se strinjam z idejo, da začneš s “hrapavčki”. :)
Sem prejela iste lake:) Mineral Crush mi je zelo všeč in Matte. Diamond Shatter je res čudovit. Ko sem ga videla v tvojem videu sem ga morala takoj sprobat. Vidim, da je tvoja kamera imela iste probleme z vijoličnimi. Meni je tudi fotoaparat vse fotografiral kot modre. Očitno ne bo šlo ujet pravega odtenka:/.
Glasujem za Gel finish kot naslednjo serijo :silly: Sem si jih ravno ogledovala :whistle:
Uau, noro!! Kako so lepi <3 Crush linija izgleda čudovito. Sama imam samo njihove holote, na wishlisti pa še enih 100 lakov :whistle: Me pa najbolj zanima gel linija :zip: