Cuticle care and removing

Cuticle care and how I remove it

Judging from number of questions I receive about cuticle care, a lot of us has problem with this necessary menace. Let me make something really clear right at the beginning of this post – cuticles are super important for health of your nails, so if you only have teeny weeny issue with it, try to overlook smaller overgrowths. At the same time I have to confess that I can’t stand the sight of my cuticles when they’re dry and all over the place where my first thought is to bite them off right away, so I not judging … really. 

Izdelki za odstranjevanje obnohtne kožice

I won’t go behind the theory so I don’t bore you to death, but for the purpose of this post I oversimplified everything and used name cuticle for all the skin surrounding the nail. I have more issues with side skin than actually cuticle anyway. To be perfectly honest, I don’t really see the difference if I remove cuticles with acid or just push them back. My cuticles are almost nonexistent as is, so I’m leaning toward it being possible explanation why I never have issues when I remove most of it. But majority has pretty visible skin protecting nail plate, so I never recommend any of my friends to copy me. We usually make a deal – leave at least little bit of skin so you get vital nail protection.

Side nail folds are complete disaster. My skin is so dehydrated that I have to work really hard if I want my hands to look presentable. I stick to one rule and one rule only – NO PAIN ALLOWED!

First I apply something to soften/remove extra skin. Currently my favorite is Sally Hansen Instant Cuticle Remover. This gel quickly softens the skin, so I have easy job of removing excess with bamboo stick. It I have any of those huge chunk leftovers I will use my Mörser Solingen scissors. I cut of only the ugly part and leave the rest alone.

I finish up with hydrating and nourishing cream. My 2 current favorites are Alessandro Veggie nail creams and Coco Mango nail butter. If I’m good girl and use mentioned creams few times a day, my cuticle issues go away. Problem is, I’m never that consistent.

I made video showing you how I remove cuticles more than 2 years ago. Products changed (Curaprox brush is still the same ) but the procedure itself is still the same … *runs and hides before you lynch me*

Hand care and protection

Why am I even adding this part? You simply can’t have one without the other. If you don’t take care of your hands, then you have domino effect on your cuticles and nails. Dryer and more dehydrated skin on your hands, more issues with dry cuticles, brittle nails … If you have as dry hands as mine, than you have to apply cream at least few times a day and once a week leave on mask through the night (bed spreads are protected if you use cotton gloves). I have really hard time finding something that works for me on the hand cream market – too much paraffin and glycerin for my taste. Essence Christmas editions are my favorite and I find something good every once in a while at Alessandro (Luminatic Cream for moisture, Cream Royal with butters or Comfort Day with oils). Some have fantastic results with raw oils and butters but I am sadly not among them.

No matter if we are talking about cuticles, nail or hands in general, bare one thing in mind – WATER is not you friend. If you have your hands wet all the time, than you have to have really good nails&co if you do not notice the difference. So, next time you have “only” one glass to wash, remember your most trusted pal … :D


What does your hand care look like? Do you have special way of removing your cuticles? Do you have that one product that you absently love?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

5 thoughts on “Cuticle care and removing”

  1. Edino kar meni res naredi precejšen čudež ob nohtih je Orly vijolično olje, ki pa se ga vedno težje dobi. S kremami za roke imam podobne izkušnje, več škode kot koristi, sem pa zdaj že na drugem lončku Mario Badescu kreme za roke z vitaminom E, ki je daleč najboljša krema za roke, kar sem jih kdaj imela. Tole oboje, ob redni uporabi, meni daje sijajen precej dolgotrajen rezultat, vse ostalo kar sem poskusila je zgolj povprečno.
    Ampak, vrag a ne, za oboje moraš biti dosleden in mazati, kar pa jaz prepogosto pozabim in šele ko je kriza spet začnem z nule :whistle:

  2. još uvijek trošim ostatke afroditinog odstranjivača kutikule, premda je zbilja jak i ako su mi nokti goli za tren ih ošteti :(
    što se tiče kremica za zanoktice, još su mi se najbolje pokazali karite maslac i ricinusovo ulje :D
    i da, nakon godina nošenja rukavica konačno sam ih zamrzila pa ih redovito preskačem ;)

  3. NailSpa me resno matra ampak je pa cena občutno previsoka. Jaz trenutno uporabljam kremo za obnohno kožico od Afrodite ki me malo spominja na Badger balm, zelo pa mi je bila všeč krema od znamke Depend v majhni tubici. Je ugodna in pri meni se je zelo dobro obnesla.

    • Alessandro Veggi linija je skoraj identična in precej cenejša. Slabost – LE je. :silly:
      Depend sem že gledala, pa sploh ne vem zakaj nisem vzela.


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