Make Up Factory presented us with fabulous 10th Anniversary collection. Birthday Sensation LE is name which hides 3 professional eight eyeshadow palettes and 4 “shimmer brick” type of eyeshadows. I’m not really fan of shimmering eyeshadows but I simply had to have at least one of those cute eyeshadow palettes.
It was a tough choice between Warm Earth and Cool Garden (I’m currently not feeling bright shades which Color Explosion consists of). Later had better color variety, but quality looked better in no. 10 (Warm Earth). And when you have duel between quality and color selection it can only mean one thing if you are me … I bought the plain one, but at least it looked to be more pigmented = Warm Earth.
This time I’ll mainly answer your questions about Make up factory eyeshadow palette. No. 1 does quality justify steep price (32 EUR for 8 x 1,8g)? I’m familiar with Make up factory eyeshadows so I knew they wouldn’t suck, which is the reason I bought the palette in the first place. Comparing them? Not sure I can. 4 eyeshadows are matte which is hard finish for judging. They’re not perfect but are very good. Good pigmentation, staying power, they’re not really powdery … I do like Tarte little bit better as they are little bit more “buttery”, but can’t really say anything bad about the formula. Black is more anthracite shade and I am guessing that was done on purpose as this shade is easier to work with (=mess up).
I would wish the price was lover, but in general this kind of quality costs, so I didn’t deduct any points for price tag. What I miss in this palette is better color variety as it desperately needs at least one true transitional color to make it perfect for traveling. I feel like they could have skipped black altogether and rather gave me something I could blend with. Matte eyeshadows could you little bit more “grip” that shimmer eyeshadows have, but as I always use base, it didn’t really bother me that much.
How similar are highlighting eyeshadows? Matte is almost pure white, still little bit off white, while shimmery shade is more to the beige side.
Shimmer browns shades look identical, are they really? No, and yes the difference stays visible on the eyelid as well. I won’t tell you that they’re insanely different, but the difference is still there.
Palette itself is made from sturdy plastic, fits nicely in hand and is small enough that I can put it into my makeup bag. Mirror is big and all I need for doing my makeup. Only palette in similar size that I own is one from Inglot (3 round inserts, powder and blush) which is bigger than Make up factory one. Hight is almost the same.
Swatches are made over eyeshadow base in 2 layers.
Bottom line: I love this palette and I am using it. But most of all, it brought my love for eyeshadow palettes back. Now I can’t wait to go out and explore other new and interesting palettes.
Tell me – which item did you buy lately that you simply fell in love with?

O waw, ta paletka je pa lepša (in izgleda bolj praktična) kot sem si predstavljala. Sem videla vse tri v KP in sem bila navdušena. Itak ni šla nobena z mano domov, ampak jih imam nekje na robu misli (in WLja).
Krasne senčke so, sem jih jaz tudi swatchala pa sem se potem prepričala, da ne potrebujem še ene palete senčil :) Mi je pa zanimivo, da je cena v Müllerju v Seiersbergu malce nižja…Mislim, da je bila okoli 28 ali 29€.
Še dobro, da nisem imela časa za šoping v Nemčiji, če ne bi prišla še cenej skozi. :devil:
Sem swatchala v trgovini in so res super pigmentirani odtenki. Paleta po mojem okusu. Cena pa ne ravno :)
Cena res ni žepu prijazna, a tukaj vsaj dobiš kvaliteto za svoj denar. Včasih me znajo zelo neprijetno presenetiti s crapy senčkami v HE razredu. :ermm: