Make-up brushes for beginners

Majority of posts on Parokeets blog are written with make-up enthusiasts in mind. I always picture one of the Parokeets ladies, fellow blogger or one of our readers on the other side of the conversation.
I love debating with you about different finishes, limited editions, bristles … details that tend to bore others to death, while we can chat hours about our love and hobby – make up. Čopiči za ličenje by Gejba ParokeetsToday’s post will be little bit different. I am dedicating it to my friends, colleagues and new mom’s who tend to ask me how to achieve simple make-up with minimal amount of products. They don’t really like cosmetics products, time is precious, but usually want to cover up under eye bags, blemishes, even out skin tone …
Main request is for a short (not likely to get from me), concise and in laymen terms.
And if I throw in direct link or store where they can buy items, they promise to bribe me with coffee.

I’ll be merging all posts that have potential to fit into this category under Back to basics tag.

Dear friends, we will start with the toughest lesson (their words not mine) – make-up brushes and sponges.
As soon as they see my brush collection they star to panic thinking they have to have just as many. NO, you need only few. If you love the results, you will add others later on.

I usually don’t recommend they go for inexpensive drug store brushes. Of course you can find good ones once in a while there too, but for little more money you get the quality and durability which are rarely found among the cheapest ones (shedding, bleeding, less control …).

Liquid foundation – sponge or brush

Beauty Blender in replikeMy deepest recommendation would be original Beauty Blender sponge. Market is overrun with “dupes”, but I have yet to find one that is truly worthy to be called that. They may look the same, but quality is not even close. I still have my first Beauty Blender I bought YEARS ago and it survived my not to gentle cleaning + washing in the washing machine for the last 6 months or so (40°C to 60°C + green Persil gel in washing net). Only now am I starting to notice small damaged areas, and I suspect I managed to make those with long nails and even rougher washing than usual (serious lack of time).
Closest dupes I could find are Real Techniques and partial Beauty Bay sponges. But they lack endurance of Beauty Blender, are harder to clean and tend to absorb more foundation.

How do to use Beauty Blender: first step is to wet it, second remove extra moisture with small towel.
Personally I like to apply foundation on the back of my hand to warm it up, followed up by transfer with fingers on the areas needed. I usually end up with large dots of foundation all over. Last step – I stipple foundation all over the face. In less than a minute, I have flawless applied foundation.
If your skin is dehydrated, patchy or “fury”, then sponges are usually the best and quickest way of applying your foundation.

PLUS: can be wash just prior to application, there is no drying time involved. Narrow side doubles as corrector applicator.

I like Real Techniques Expert Face Brush too, but sponges apply foundation better on my dry and patchy areas. That is why Expert Face brush is currently delegated role of applying cream products as contouring, blush …

Blush, bronzer, contouring – brush

Real Techniques Blush Brush by Gejba
Real Techniques Blush Brush

My fingers are simply itching to make you life complicated and recommend 3+ brushes, but will try to stick one brush only – Real Techniques Blush Brush. It is possible to use this brush for contouring under your cheek bone (it is hard to join Kardashian clan look with this brush), as well as applying blush on your cheeks (or join clown union).

How to use: for contouring either dip (if they very pigmented) or swirl (less pigmented ones) into contouring product. When you are done with contour, swipe it off onto paper towel and proceed with blush. You can even repeat for highlight providing you are not using heavily pigmented products.

Finish off with Beauty Blender which is bound to have at least little of foundation leftover on it and blend the edges – tap the sponge over the outer edge.

It is possible to use this brush for bronzer and finishing powder too, but I would prefer to have something larger for those two.

Eyeshadow – brush

Zoeva 227 čopič za ličenje
Zoeva 227 blending brush

You want only one eyeshadow brush? Erm, that is kind of hard for me to even imagine, but I will give it a try.
Zoeva 227 Luxe Soft Definer is good for applying eyesadow over the whole moving lid and for shading a crease (deepest part of the socket). You can further minimize number of products if you use your face contouring powder or bronzer as your eyeshadow crease colour.
If you don’t have super pigmented eyeshadows, it should be possible to wipe off previous 2 colours and use it for under brow highlight too.

I would suggest at least on narrower and softer brush for smudging out the liner (cotton swab is possible replacement, but they tend to irritate my sensitive eye area) and double it as precision tool for highlighting inner eye corners.

Hygiene and brush cleaning

Revolution Anti Bacterial Brush Cleaner
Revolution Anti Bacterial Brush Cleaner

True – you really have to watch out about hygiene of make up brushes. It is better to have less of them but in duplicates if you know you won’t have time to clean them regularly.

I extend time between washes with the help of Revolution Anti-Bacterial Brush Cleaner. I got it for a review long time ago, but have been using it on regular basis for the last 6 months or so. It cleans really well and it doesn’t have ill effect on my skin even if I don’t rinse brushes under water.
Other options are medical grade disinfectants (Spitaderm), but I find them more suited for artificial bristles (Real Tecniques) than natural ones (Zoeva 227).

If I use brush or sponge with liquid or cream products, then they’re off to “to be washed” container.
Best effect in my opinion is achieved with dish soap (without conditioning ingredients). I leave my brushes to completely dry, then dip it into pure soap I previously poured into my palm. Swirl it and then rinse everything out with water. They dry laid down on the towel.

Where to buy:

  • Beauty Blender: Muller Austria, Cult Beauty (cheapest option is to order set of 2 sponges)
  • Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge: HQ Hair,, Moja Drogerija
  • Real Techniques Expert Face brush: HQ Hair, Moja Drogerija
  • Real Techniques Blush Brush: HQ Hair, Moja Drogerija,
  • Zoeva 227 Luxe Soft Definer: Zoeva (227v is too soft for my taste, but the best for those with sensitive skin)
  • Revolution Anti-Bacterial Brush Cleaner: Make Up Revolution,

[button color=”” size=”” type=”” target=”” link=””]I am only now starting to try out Zoeva face brushes, so I will keep this post updated if I find one I like more than mentioned ones.
I recommend you read Maestra’s post, where she reviewed 10 of them! CLICK ME. :D [/button]

Real Techniques Blush Brush umetne ščetine
Real Techniques Blush Brush

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

38 thoughts on “Make-up brushes for beginners”

  1. Zaenkrat za nanos tekočega pudra uporabljam čopič, ki je kar soliden, čeprav je potrebno kar veliko delati z njim :whistle: bi pa želela sprobati beauty blender :wave: :wink: :whistle: drugače pa ne morem brez čopiča za veke od sigme (E55). Imam ga že 2 leti, pa še vedno zgleda kot nov :thumb:

  2. Jaz sem dolgo prisegala samo na prste, potem sem odkrila RT stippling brush in se ne ločim več od njega, tudi gobico imam sicer od oriflame in mi je fajn, drugače pa Eco Tools čopič za rdečilo, ki ga dejansko uporabljam za puder v kamnu, ker ga res non stop uporabljam!

  3. Ravno sem pred nakupom novih čopičev, saj se mi zdi, da nimam več nič prav uporabnega :D Tudi gobico imam kar eno :P Edini kul čopič mi je ta, ki sem ga dobila od secret Santa Gabi <3 :)

  4. Najbolj uporaben pripomoček mi je čopič za tekoči puder, ki je tudi edini, ki ga (z izjemo BB kreme) uporabljam…nisem še dovolj kozmetično usposobljena, zato spremljam nasvete kot so tile v zgornjem članku.

  5. Meni osebno najbolj uporaben pripomoček je definitivno gobica za nanašanje tekoče podlage. Ponavadi sem ”sovražila” puder, ker je na meni izgled res grozno, če sem ga nanesla s prsti/čopičem, kot da bi se že iz vesolja videlo, da imam nekaj gor + imela sem luskice, čeprav sem tipična mastnokožka..ampak od kar uporabljam gobico, je izgled tekoče podlage res brezhiben (pa gre pri meni za isto podlago že od nekdaj – Revlon Colorstay), pa veliko manj luskic je..res zadovoljna. Trenutno imam neko ”cheap” varianto, me pa zelo zanima, če je original Beauty Blender res toliko boljši za nanos. :yes:

  6. My most used brushes since last year must be RT Expert Face Brush and a dupe to RT base shadow brush (which I actually use for under eye concealing). In the last month I’ve used a Beauty Blender dupe though and it’s so good I now can’t go back to a brush for foundation!!

  7. Moji trenutno najljubši čopiči so: BH Cosmetics set 4 dvostranskih čopičev – Boho Chic Dual Brush Set, res odlična izbira in jih vsekakor priporočam :ahug: :ahug: :ahug:

  8. Meni osebno najbolj prav pride cela kolekcija copicov, saj zaradi njih prakticno ne morem ziveto, zato je najbolj uporaben pripomocek seveda sampon za ciscenje copicev, s katerim vzderzujem higijeno z nanasanjem raznih produktov na obraz. Od copicov pa absolutni ne zdrzim brez copica za obrvi, s katerim naredim lepo linijo in je brez copica preprosto ne bi mogla.

  9. Jaz imam ogromno teh sponges, ampak original Beauty Blendera pa ne. In me je vedno zanimalo, če je taka razlika in očitno je. Gobice so najboljše za podlage, ker res najbolj enakomerno in naravno nanesejo izdelek. Drugače se strinjam z RT Blush Brush en najboljših za bronzer zame :). Za oči Zoeva 227 obvezno za blendiranje in 234 za nanašanje senčil na veke. Pa Elf Blush Brush za rdečilo mi je res odličen in še zelo poceni :).

  10. I got a kind of blending sponge from a friend It has long handle like a regular brush to apply loose blush , and I use a lip brush for my lips ,

  11. Meni je najboljsi od ecotools tavelik brush za puder ker je tako mehek in lepo nezno doda puder brez da bi zgledalo “cakey”. :wub:

  12. Meni najljubši čopič je Zoevin Eye finish (229), ker je super za zabrisovanje, če pa se mi mudi, ga lahko tudi uporabim za rahel nanos senčila po celotni veki.

  13. Moj najljubši čopič za obraz je RT – expert face brush :) ..Sem res presenečena kako dobro drži, ko ga uporabljam tudi do 5x tedensko :)

  14. odlicna objava, predvsem pa zelo prirocna! :party:
    Jaz pa osebno najbolj od vseh se vedno prisegam mac217. Dejansko je to po mojem mnenju tisti copic ki naredi pravo razliko pri blendanju :wub:

  15. Moj najljubši čopič je Real Techniques Expert Face Brush, ki ga uporabljam za nanašanje tekoče podlage. Beauty Blender je pa že doooolgooooo na moji WL. :)

  16. Jaz imam najraje gobico, čeprav imam tiste iz tedija in ebaya, ampak za moje pojme so super. Bi pa rada sprobala še ta Beauty Blender, da vidim, kako bi bil primerjavi s temi gobicami. :)

  17. Super objava :) Moj najljubši pa je Real Techniques Buffing Brush, fajn mi je tako za mineralni kot tekoči puder :)

  18. Jaz sem si kupila set ( ki je bil znižan na 14,45€. So zelo mehki in gosti, meni so top. Je pa res, da sem začetnica in me prav zanima ocena kakšnega bolj izkušenega sigma ipd uporabnika :)
    Največ uporabljam powder brush, najmanj uporaben pa je verjetno flat eyeshadow brush.. tako je kratek, da ga imam za eyeliner smudger.

  19. jaz imam v lasti set čopičev BH cosmetics in ne bi preživela brez čopiča za nanos senčil :)

  20. Moj zvesti in nepogresljiv je prastar Edm copic. Kupljen za sencila in za ta namen cisto prevelik, je pa zato idealen za korektor

  21. Meni osebno trenutno najbolj pri srcu je Nanshy gobica, uporabljam jo za korektor, podlago, fiksirni puder in kremne highlighterje in contour izdelke :D Od čopičev pa nebi mogla živeti brez blending čopiča :D

  22. Joooj končno vem kaj kupiti naslednjič ko grem v Avstrijo.. Beauty Blender gobico! pod nujno :)
    Super objava! Sama sicer nimam ravno veliko čopičev vendar si me zdaj kar malo navdušila z temi Real Techniques :)

  23. Za oči mi je najbolj uporaben čopič že omenjen Zoeva 227, (imam bamboo verzijo in mi je super) + še 231 Petit Crease :wub: Takoj bi imela cel set :drool: Za obraz pa me trenutno najbolj navdušuje Real Techniques Setting Brush – imam kar dva, enega uporabljam za korektor, drugega pa za highlighter. Za nanos podlage mi je mogoče malo ljubši RT Buffing brush kot Expert face brush, drugače pa se mi zdijo dobri (in cenovno ugodni) čopiči tudi EcoTools.

  24. Meni je brezhibna podlaga najbolj pomembna, zato tudi čopič za ta namen. Bdellium tools Bambu 959, definiran kot “powder blending”, ampak je tudi za tekočo podlago odličen.

  25. Jaz sem velika ljubiteljica dobrih čopičev in sem mnenja, da noben produkt (pa še tako dober) ne bo izgledal dobro, če ni nanos pravi. Začne se pri osnovah in čopiče sama štejem za osnovo. Zoeva mi je top of the top za to ceno in se vsekakor lahko primerja z Mac-om in drugimi top znamkami.

    • Drži. Predvsem pri tistih, ki prehajajo s “prstov” na čopiče, je efekt ponavadi najboljši. A le, če čopiči niso totalno sfaljeni.
      Za nas, ki nismo profiji, je Zoeva fantastično razmerje cene in kvalitete. RT ima tudi nekaj dobrih čopičev v tem rangu, potem pa se počasi zame izbor konča. Seveda me to ne bo ustavilo, da ne bi preizkusila vedno novih in novih znamk. Predvsem, ko iščem specifične oblike. :angel:

  26. Jaz sem si kupila Real Techniques osnovne oranžne čopiče in so mi super :) res cenovno ugodni in dobri.

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