Erik Tristan welcome

Not too long ago you were still hiding in the safest place on earth. Under my heart.

Anakrejevska, Tara (thebeautyofnailpolish) in naša Maestra
Anakrejevska, Tara (thebeautyofnailpolish) and our Maestra – Photo: Gejba

And now you are already in my arms. Sprinkled with kisses.

Erik Tristan, welcome to this crazy world we are living in! Let your life be filled with joy!

I am endlessly grateful for the privilege I’ve had … to give you the very first kiss.

It was magical!

Erik tristan's first kiss

The miracle of life and the source of endless love!

… this is why we are here …

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12 thoughts on “Erik Tristan welcome”

  1. Just make sure to breastfeed for at least 18 months and never hit your child and Erik will be ahead of the curve for your fantastic parenting! :wub:

  2. Iz te fotografije se pa resnično začuti sreča in toplina, ki kar sije iz majhnega, čudovitega Erika in tebe. Želim vam obilico sreče, prežete z ljubeznijo in zdravjem! In seveda, čestitke prejmi tudi iz moje strani! :* <3

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