Brand new cosmetics brand came to Maxi/Ljubljana? You bet I made time to squeeze beauty blogger event into the hectic Christmas week. itStyle came in style to Slovenia. No mere stand for them. Oh, no, no – there is whole WALL + stand to house all of their goodies. It is safe to say my jaw was wide open when I first spotted all those colorful products. :O
It is way to soon to talk about quality, but selection is really good. Black and gray lipsticks are now available to us, same with liquid dark blue lipstick and nail polish colors in any shade you want. I even spotted holographic pigment. :D
One product impressed present bloggers the most – Smokey neutral eyeshadow palette. It is still not on the stand, but boy does that baby look good. And the price is really affordable at 12 EUR for 16 shades I think. You can buy it, but have to get seller to fetch it out from the drawer.
Makeup brushes have jet to arrive, but selection will be interesting and prices up to 20 EUR for bigger brushes.
After first glance, Italian brand itStyle is breath of fresh air with large assortment, but I will be able to tell you more, after I try out their products. Guess what will I be testing first? :D
- foundations: 10-14 EUR
- liquid and bullet lipsticks: 10 EUR
- primer for eyes or lips: 10 EUR
- primer face: 15 EUR
- single eyeshadows: 4,5 EUR
- “gel” nail polish: 5 EUR
- nail polish: 4 EUR

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Tistih lakov, ki so na spletu znižani na 1€, pa seveda nimajo. Škoda, ker so prav tisti najlepši :(
Zakaj nisem bližje Ljubljani?!? Tole izgleda kot nebesa! Maxi je na mojem spisku naslednjič, ko grem v Lj ;)
Definitivno prečekiraj paletko. Me smo se vse slinile. :D
Nekaj zelo podobnega se je odprlo na Mestnem trgu v Ljubljani – Cipria.
Še jih nisem utegnila obiskati, tako da ne vem ali sta primerljivi znamki ali ne. Bo treba 1x zaviti tudi na Mestni trg. :D
Prvic slisim za to kozmetiko. Zgleda kar lepo. S katerimi izdelki si se “pocastila”?
Še nisem. Paleto sem kupila moji obdarovanki pri Skritih Božičkah. Ma da poroča ali je res tako super kot izgleda, potem pa si jo še jaz omislim. :D