Despite the bad and cold weather we are walking down the streets of Ljubljana. Admiring the Christmas decorations. It is beautiful this time around. But so darn cold! Luckily there’s “gluhwein” (mulled wine) around the corner. Mmm … almost perfect. The only thing missing is snow. I hear kids talking about exams and teachers. In the background there’s a sound of accordion. And people rushing. Rushing. Rushing. From time to time I feel like someone is watching me … or us. Maybe because of my pink hair or maybe … Maybe they are interested in my Oliver.
Scent that fascinated me with its simple elegance and romance. It snuck into my life. Very slowly. At first I didn’t pay attention to it. But it was persuasive. I felt very comfortable when wearing it and I tend to reach for it more and more. And now S’Oliver For Her is my everyday companion. It is most definitely my most worn perfume at the moment (for the past month or so). The scent is tender, rounded and not sharp at all. Flowery with musky curves. The bottle is already seen a classic, but beautiful nevertheless. I admit that I would never spotted this beauty at the store. Probably due to my tendency to designer (and more expensive) perfumes. And now I am neglecting all my designer perfumes and date Oliver. ;)
- It begins with fresh bergamot, lychee and pink pepper.
- Turkish rose, peony and magnolia give the floral character, elegance and feminine touch.
- Supported by the powdery – balsamic base of amber, musk and iris.

*Gejba gave me the perfume as a gift. She got it at BBMULJ.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Ravno zdaj se dva dni družim z njim, tem Oliverjem. Je tudi v moje življenje prišel čisto nesluteno, nepričakovano. Mi ga je predstavila tašča, ki ga nekako ne mara, meni pa je bil takoj všeč. Na DM-ovi reviji je ležal, kot ljubimec, ki te vabi, da preizkusiš nekaj novega. In sem ga. In všeč mi je! :D
#loveit! #maybegonnabuyit
To je pa tako lepo napisano, da sploh ne morem prebolet. Res. Me ima, da ti še jaz prinesem svojega Oliverja, da ti ga nikoli ne bo zmanjkalo!
Ja, hvala Maša! :* To pa je kompliment in pol. *zardevam* Pa še tako simpatično napisan. V tvojem stilu. ;)
Krasno napisana objava! Na srečo me parfumi ne ganejo preveč, me bolj pritegne embalaža, hihi, potem pa jih itak ne uporabljam =P
Xoxo, A.
Hvala! :* Embalaže od parfumov so pa tako ali tako prečudovite. Čudovito izgledajo na polici. :D