Secret Santa Slovenian beauty bloggers edition

Slovenian beauty bloggers have a tradition of playing Secret Santa. This year head Mrs. Santa was Maša who did marvelous job.

Today postman delivered beautifully wrapped gift box. It was from my Secret Santa Kvina ( She chose such a perfect gift and completely floored me. Want to see what was hidding in Douglas box? Check out video. Thank you Kvina!

And if you want to see what I chose in a role of Secret Santa, go take a peak at Larisa’s gift HERE.

Dear readers, I wish you all warm and cozy Christmas with your loved ones and super successful and happy 2017!

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

2 thoughts on “Secret Santa Slovenian beauty bloggers edition”

  1. Gabi, res me veseli, da ti je decemberska izdaja Douglas BOB všeč :) Jaz tudi obožujem mini verzije produktov, ker let’s be honest fullsize stvari, sploh šminke, maskare itd. nikoli ne porabim do konca. Upam, da ti bo parfumček tudi všeč. Jaz ga imam tudi in mi je super. Je pa kar intenziven.
    Kavica pa z veseljem, kadarkoli po novem letu :)
    Lepe praznike ti želim! <3

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