Beauty world went crazy over a silicone implant

Say what? A silicone implant? How? Well, it is not exactly like that, but close enough. Silisponge is a clear silicone sponge for applying make up and beauty enthusiasts are going nuts over it. It is sold out all the time. This thing looks just like a piece of a silicone bra. Kind of bizarre, don’t you think? Try imagine beauty gurus on You Tube and Instagram that actually apply make up with a piece of bra. Everything for the beauty community and greater good right? ;)

Well, I got curious and I wanted to try Silisponge myself. Here are my thoughts after a couple of uses. Without hesitation …

Silisponge silicone sponge

Silisponge didn’t impress me at all. I’ll still use it, just to see if I find a way that will suit me. As for right now I just don’t think this thing works. At least it does not work for me. It doesn’t blend the foundation well. I’ve had troubles applying liquid foundation around my nose and near eyebrows. I had to use my Beautyblender to blend foundation. Why do I need Silisponge than? It just adds one step to my make up routine. I get it that it is more hygienic than a sponge or brush and it doesn’t absorb product. I get it, but I still don’t see myself reaching for it. I didn’t get nice results. The foundation didn’t look nice and I wasn’t enjoying the whole process. It is hard to hold the Silisponge in your hands and it is not pleasant tapping yourself with a silicone. So far I only like using it as a make up palette to mix my foundations.

You know what? Your fingers can do the exact same thing than Silisponge! The best part is, fingers perform even better. ;)

Let’s just say I really don’t get the whole Silisponge hype. For me it didn’t work at all. I prefer applying liquid foundation with a Beautyblender or Real Techniques Complexion Sponge. If you are like me and you love your brushes and sponges, just skip this trend and invest money in something better.

Silisponge silicone sponge
Silisponge silikonska gobica


  • it spreads the foundation nicely
  • it doesn’t absorb any foundation
  • it works nicely as a make up palette
  • it is very hygienic
  • it is very easy to clean


  • it doesn’t blend the foundation well
  • it has hard time applying foundation around the contours of the face
  • it doesn’t sit in your hands nicely
  • the foundation doesn’t look as nice as applied with a brush or sponge
  • foundation sits on the skin (it doesn’t mesh with it)
  • you need additional tool to blend the foundation
  • needed more time for application

Did any of you try Silisponge? What are your thoughts?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

8 thoughts on “Beauty world went crazy over a silicone implant”

  1. Moram priznati, da me že ideja ni pretegnila. Čeprav bi mi zaradi higienične strani verjetno morala. :D
    Sem se pa fino nasmejala postu in uživala ob branju. :D

    • Jaz sem predvidela praktično vse probleme, a sem vseeno mislila, da bo vsaj finiš na koži lepši. Upanje umre zadnje. i guess. ?

  2. Jaz sem jo tudi preizkusila/ jo še preizkušam. Dejansko mi je še najbolj všeč, če podlago nanašam naenkrat na manjšo površino in jo utiram v obraz. Z gobico ne krožim, ampak samo pritiskam v kožo. Takšen nanos mi je še najbolj všeč. Če po obrazu krožim ne naredi ničesar. Mi je všeč, ker porabim precej manj podlage, grem pa na koncu še vedno na hitro čez obraz z gobico. Bi nakup priporočila? Mogoče. Je vredna vsega tega hype-a? NE :P Ali pa še nisva našli pravega načina uporabe :D

    • Se strinjam. Tak način daje najlepše rezultate, a še vedno na meni pride lepše kot z gobico. Plus je seveda, da se porabi manj podlage. Hvala, ker si delila svojo izkušnjo! ?

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