Sweetscents: Christmas 2008 collection – part 3Sweetscents: Christmas 2008 kolekcija – 3.del

Third part of Sweetscents series will be about Metallics trio, three beautiful brown shades.

First and lightest brown is Metallic Pearl with its light brown base. When you apply it dry (no base) it almost melts with skin (on very fair skin). Only thing visible is shimmer with mainly gold flecks. But when you foil eyeshadow it turns into brown-bronzed color.

Sweetscents - Metallic Pearl

Edge has very similar shimmer as Metallic Pearl, but with more pigmented – darker brown base. It is one of the more versatile eyeshadows – it even gained “must have” status in my book.

Sweetscents - Edge

Last eyeshadow in trio is Natural Suntan Bronze. This is very finely milled shadow – with similar structure as Egyptian Desert. Only difference structure vise is that Natural Suntan Bronze is more duochromatic that Egyptian Desert. Depending from lighting it turns from brown to goldish-coper. This shade was very difficult to take picture of. In almost all of the 60 pictures I took you could see gold color and not much anything else. :ermm:

Sweetscents - Natural Suntan Bronze

This time Maestra decided to do “softer” makeup. She used Metallic Pearl from Metallics trio.

M. Pearl, S. Glow, Clypso, Fall, Fancy, S. Slipper

M. Pearl, S. Glow, Clypso, Fall, Fancy, S. Slipper

More of Sweetscents series: PART 1 and PART 2.

Tretji del serije Sweetscents bo posvečen trojčku Metallics, ki ga sestavljajo tri rjave senčke.

Najsvetlejša senčka je Metallic Pearl, ki ima svetlorjavo osnovo. Pri suhem nanosu se senčka skoraj stopi z barvo kože (opazen je le prevladujoče zlat šimer), medtem ko pri mokrem nanosu pride do izraza bolj bakreno-rjava barva.

Edge ima zelo podoben šimer kot Metallic Pearl – s tem, da je osnova veliko bolj pigmentirane temnejše rjave barve. Gre za čudovito rjavo senčko, ki se pri meni uvrstila na “must have” seznam.

Zadnja senčka v kompletu je Natural Suntan Bronze. Gre za zelo fino mleto senčko podobne strukture kot Egyptian Desert s to razliko, da je pri Natural Suntan Bronze bolj opazno spreminjanje barve.  Odvisno od svetlobe, se senčka preseva iz rjave v bakreno-zlato barvo. To je bila ena izmed tistih senčk, pri kateri sem imela največ problemov. Zelo težko je bilo ujeti v objektiv rjavo-bakreno osnovo – ves čas je v ospredje prihajala zlata barva.

Tokrat nam je Maestra pripravila bolj “nežen” make-up. Uporabila je Metallic Pearl iz kompleta Metallics.

Več o nizu Sweetscents objav: 1.del in 2.del.

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