Guest post: Essence – Better Than Gel Nails (review and swatches)Gostujoči prispevek: Essence – Better Than Gel Nails (opis in ocena)

We have something different for you today. A dear friend of Maestra was kind enough to write an extensive review on Essence Better Than Gel Nails. We think that she did an amazing job! Here’s what she has to say …

Mostly reader and admirer of Parokeets, this time on the invitation of dear Maestra in a different role.

A few days ago when I was on the culinary spoiling at Maestra I had a glimpse view at a starter kit of Essence Better Than gel nails and I hoped that it will soon be available in our city. And since yesterday I had to go to the city center because of another “urgently needed” cosmetic product, that trip was an ideal opportunity to look further on the Essence stand. Yeah – one of the three remaining starter kits soon became mine. And so our story began…

Essence Better than gel nails preview by Parokeets

I must admit that I originally bought the starter kit to test how the base sealer and the top sealer would work as the protection and strengthening of my fragile nails. Maestra, I know – not enough love for them. ;) Basically French manicure is not something for me, but if I’m wearing it I definitely want slightly less showy tips. And I must say that I was quite surprised with the whole thing, positively surprised.

At the start I slightly polished and prepared the nails with the file from the kit. Then the tip size measurement followed. Small problem: the ring finger and middle finger should “wear” the same size number, but in the kit there are 18 tips, two for each of nine different sizes, so I had to slightly modify my choice. For the middle finger I chose one size bigger tip, which I affixed with a little more caution. Attaching the tips was not difficult at all.

I thought that the dosage of glue on the tips requires greater skills, but the glue is quite liquid, and a standard drip of the brush is just right for coating tips. The smell of the glue is identical to a quick-drying glue, the adhesion rate also, so be careful when installing the tips. For a moment or two you can maneuver the tip, but after a few seconds it is firmly in place. Because of the speed of adhesion on my (for a French manicure) too short thumb nails and the length of the tips for the thumbs, my thumbs are shyly hiding in the photos. :) Next time I will stick the tip of the thumbs slightly over the edge of the nail, then I will file away the rest of the tip. I do not know why with the width of the tip also increases the length!? However, tips dried very quickly, so I could remove the handles right after I finished with placing the tips on one hand.

Essence: Better Than Nails instuctions step 1 by ParokeetsEssence: Better Than Nails instuctions step 2 by ParokeetsEssence: Better Than Nails instuctions step 3 by Parokeets

I have to mention several thing about the tips: it is necessary to have quite adapted nail shape to those of the tips, nails should be just right long / short if you want that tips will sit well. Tips themselves are not enough robust to serve prolonging the nails. When attaching the tips, it is best to first attach the tip in the middle, then pressing the edges of the tips with your fingertips or nails of the other hand.

I proceeded with applying a base coat which is easily spreadable, nor were there any problems with the brush. Because of my impatience I waited just a few minutes after the application of the basecoat and then continued to apply the top coat. The top coat is slightly thicker than the basecoat, but still very easily spreadable, and not problematic at all. It was followed by another layer of top coat (again after a few minutes – what can I do, I am really impatient). The top coat dries at lightning speed! A useful thing though…

Well, with all the work I kept myself busy and engaged, so I was completely surprised that I spent about 45 minutes to complete all the process. I have no idea what took so long. Probably the placement of the tips, hmmm.

Swatch: Essence - Better Than Gel Nails
Essence – Better Than Gel Nails
Swatch: Essence - Better Than Gel Nails
Essence – Better Than Gel Nails
Swatch: Essence - Better Than Gel Nails
Essence – Better Than Gel Nails

And the appearance? You can see some perspectives of my “paws” and “claws” in the pictures, but in the closer look top of the nails are a bit thicker, but not nearly as well as gel nails. I am still checking the lasting of manicure – I am exposing nails to working with paper, keyboard, folders, etc. most of the day. I will not encumber them by the cleaners, but I will diligently apply protective gloves when polishing the apartment at this weekend. A sequel of the story will follow shortly.

What to say for the end? For me this is definitely the best option of DIY French manicure at home. The final product is relatively easy to do and it looks professional. It will be interesting to see how the nails will look like with gray/silver tips. I may surprise you with pictures. However, a test of using a base coat and a top coat on my usually painted nails will follow. I am quietly hoping that they will perform the task.

I hope my experience will help you decide whether to use it or not.

* Some photos are courtesy of Essence.

Danes imamo za vas nekaj drugačnega. Nekaj svežega. Upam, da vam bo všeč. Maestrina zelo dobra prijateljica je prijazno napisala obširen opis o Essence Better Than Gel Nails. Menimo, da je svoje delo odlično opravila! V nadaljevanju so njene misli o setu …

V glavnem bralka in občudovalka Parokeets-a, tokrat na povabilo drage Maestre še v drugačni vlogi.

Pred dnevi sem si med kulinaričnim razvajanjem pri Maestri bežno ogledala začetni paket Essence Better than gel nails in hkrati upala, da ga bo kmalu možno kupiti tudi v štajerski prestolnici. In ker sem včeraj morala v center mesta zaradi drugega »nujno potrebnega« kozmetičnega izdelka, je bila idealna priložnost, da pogledam še na Essence stojalo. Juhuuu- eden izmed treh preostalih začetnih paketov je kmalu postal moj. In tako se je najina zgodba začela….

Essence Better than gel nails preview by Parokeets

Moram priznati, da sem paketek kupila prvotno zaradi testiranja, kako se bosta podlak in nadlak obnesla v vlogi zaščite in utrditve mojih krhkih nohtov. Maestra, saj vem – premalo ljubezni. :biggrin: Francoska manikura nekako ni zame, če pa že, pa si želim nekoliko manj vpadljive konice. In moram reči, da me je celotna stvarca precej presenetila, in to pozitivno.

Za začetek sem nohte rahlo spolirala in pripravila s priloženo pilico, nato je sledilo pomerjanje velikosti konic. Majhna težavica: prstanec in sredinec bi morala »nositi« enako številko in ker je v paketku 18 konic, po dve za vsako od devetih različnih velikost, sem morala izbiro nekoliko prirediti. Sredincu sem izbrala eno številko večjo konico, ki sem jo nekoliko pazljiveje pritrdila. Samo pritrjevanje mi ni delalo večjih težav. Mislila sem, da bo doziranje lepila na konice zahtevalo večjo spretnost, vendar je lepilo precej tekoče in ob standardnem odcejanju čopiča ga na njem ostane ravno prav za premaz konic. Vonj lepila je identičen sekundnemu lepilu, hitrost sprijemanja prav tako, zato pazljivo pri nameščanju. Za trenutek ali dva lahko manevrirate s konico, nato je trdno na mestu. Ravno zaradi hitrosti sprijemanja na (za francosko manikuro) prekratke nohtke palcev ter zaradi dolžine konic za palce, se palčka sramežljivo skrivata na fotografijah. ;) Naslednjič bom konice na palcih prilepila nekoliko čez rob nohta ter del konice odpilila, da ne bo tako dolga. Ne vem zakaj se s širino konice tako povečuje tudi dolžina?! Kakorkoli, konice so se posušile izredno hitro, saj sem po končanem lepljenju na eni roki že lahko odstranila držala.

Essence: Better Than Nails instuctions step 1 by ParokeetsEssence: Better Than Nails instuctions step 2 by ParokeetsEssence: Better Than Nails instuctions step 3 by Parokeets

Glede konic velja omeniti še to: obliko nohta je potrebno imeti precej prilagojeno obliki konicam, nohti morajo biti ravno prav dolgi/kratki, da konice dobro sedejo. Same po sebi niso dovolj čvrste, da bi služile podaljševanju nohtov. Ob lepljenju pa je najbolje, da konico najprej pritrdite na sredini, nato pa s konicami prstov ali nohtov druge roke pritisnete še robove.

Nadaljevala sem z nanosom podlaka, ki je dobro mazljiv, prav tako ni bilo težav s čopičem. Zaradi nestrpnosti sem po nanosu podlaka počakala le nekaj minutk in nadaljevala z nadlakom. Nadlak je nekoliko gostejše konsistence kot podlak, pa vseeno lahko mazljiv in na splošno netežaven. Sledila je še ena plast nadlaka (spet po le nekaj minutah – kaj morem, nestrpnost pač). Nadlak se suši s svetlobno hitrostjo! Uporabna stvarca torej..

Hja, med delom sem se tako zamotila in angažirala, da sem bila popolnoma presenečena, da sem porabila okoli 45 minut za celoten postopek. Sanja se mi ne, kaj je trajalo tako dolgo. Verjetno nameščanje konic, hmmm.

Swatch: Essence - Better Than Gel Nails
Essence - Better Than Gel Nails
Swatch: Essence - Better Than Gel Nails
Essence - Better Than Gel Nails
Swatch: Essence - Better Than Gel Nails
Essence - Better Than Gel Nails

In videz? Nekaj perspektiv mojih »tačk« in »krempeljcev« lahko vidite na slikah, detajlno pa so iz strani nohti pri konici nekoliko debelejši, vendar še zdaleč ne tako, kot pri gel nohtih. Trajnost manikure pravkar preverjam – nohte izpostavljam večino dneva delu s papirjem, tipkovnico, redniki, mapicami itd. Ne bom jih obremenjevala s čistili, temveč bom pridno uporabljala zaščitne rokavice, medtem ko bom čistila stanovanje ta vikend. Nadaljevanje zgodbe zato še sledi.

Kaj reči za konec? Zame definitivno najboljša varianta izdelave francoske manikure doma. Končni izdelek se naredi razmeroma enostavno in videti je profesionalen. Zanimivo bo videti, kakšni bodo nohtki s sivimi/srebrnimi konicami. Morda vas presenetim s slikicami. :biggrin: Vsekakor pa sledi preizkušnja podlaka in nadlaka brez konic tudi na običajno lakiranih nohtih. Po tihem upam, da bosta opravila nalogo.

Upam, da vam bodo moje izkušnje pomagale pri odločitvi o morebitnem nakupu in uporabi.

* Nekatere fotografije so last podjetja Essence.

12 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Guest post: Essence – Better Than Gel Nails (review and swatches)<!--:--><!--:sl-->Gostujoči prispevek: Essence – Better Than Gel Nails (opis in ocena)<!--:-->”

  1. Super prispevek! :) Ker sem precej proti umetnim nohtom vseh oblik in mi moji kar pridno poganjajo se tega preparata ne bom poslužila, je pa najbrž zelo fino in dostopno vsem tistim, ki bi preizkusile tak izdelek. :)


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